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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. 1. I eat the pussy 2. I work that shit 3. I lick the asshole no matter what 4. Fuck you
  2. Because it's disgusting. That house probably smells rank af. Nasty foot ass
  3. Lolol possibly. It's just idk if anyone else notices it too. I'm so confused. What is my life?
  4. dude its always like roasted turkey. I dont fucking understand
  5. A lot of upper middle class houses always smell like somethings cooking even when it isn't. Wtf is up with that?
  6. Dawg I don't care how big my dick is. That's why god gave me fists.
  7. At least your hair looks good. I go through this awkward ass phase everytime my hair is growing in because I have a wicked cowlick in the back of my head that has me looking all the way goofy. I wanna grow it out to my shoulders so I can look like the dude from aquaman. Jason Balboa or whatever his dumb ass name is
  8. lol plz take it. All of it. Have fun with that bullshit. It's annoyingly thick and wont give a fuck what you want it to do
  9. i dont care about how small my cock is lol i can work around that. My hair on the other hand gets annoying.
  10. id want to be bald. I hate my hair.
  11. are you afraid of it?
  12. Like....
  13. Lol doing what?
  14. It's art man. They don't make music like they used to.
  15. Yep yep and yep. Steve Zahn ain't busy lol
  16. I feel drunk for no reason.
  17. I just might. He has a huge ego. He goes on facebook saying he's already a comedy legend. Dude is 70. You can't make this shit up.
  18. He's ok to me. I'm more into Eddie Murphy. He was the first comic to inspire me
  19. Damn yall are really good
  20. That was pretty fucking good
  21. Backstory: This 70 year old dude started doing stand up. He bombed at a different spot the day before and cursed out the audience and the host. This conversation happened at the second open mic he tried. 70 year old: Is this where you sign up for the open mic? Host: Yeah 70: Good, I'm trying to get as funny as Rodney Dangerfield. Host: You'll be dead before that happens. *Awkward silence*
  22. You should make a mod where everyone is a dick and call it Cyrodildo. I'll leave now. Sorry.
  23. S2g I avoid laughing sometimes because my laugh is trash 😂
  24. Also I know my laugh is annoying. Sorry.
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