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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. I refrigerate ketchup, because I am not a barbarian.
  2. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    Maybe I hatched it. I'll check when I leave work.
  3. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I caught a Lapras aggggges ago
  4. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    Of the babies, I am still missing Togepi and elekid. I was definitely spoiled by the free incubators. Once they stopped I went back to my 'one egg at a time' thing and I don't even feel like it is worth it to have to game on when I'm walking to the office unless an egg is close to hatching.
  5. Man needs a chair
  6. Oh that's just me over there
  7. no, I definitely knew it was just very... odd
  8. I came here because I saw I was tagged in a post and somehow direct-to-video lion king sequel happened
  9. Good luck!
  10. I just found this picture of the boards when I remembered I had an old photobucket: someone alert supremepie[/member]
  11. Did he ever elaborate on the hows and whys?
  12. JMC asked me if I wanted to help him make a message board in October, but because I had started a new job at the exact same time I've been pretty hands off until the past couple weeks. It was just three or four of us at first as he was setting it up and asking for advice/opinions, and then he started privately inviting people in small waves until it went public on ASMB. Once the board is set up the way he wants it and he has more time and energy I think his plan is to start inviting and asking us to invite non-ASMB people so it can grow into its own thing. I didn't realize it would fall into the role of a literal replacement for ASMB until it happened.
  13. I saw this just a few minutes ago. Carrie Fisher is the good kind of crazy, the kind we can all use right now. Best wishes for a healthy recovery.
  14. no one yet also everyone you were milarkie
  15. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    Should I start burning off my eggs now? I don't really want to load up my free triple-use incubators on 2k eggs though...
  16. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I just logged in to see if I could cash in on my Exeggutor again but it looks like he was finally knocked out. Four days in a row is now my record. I wish they game would send you a notification when it is time to collect or when a pokemon gets kicked out. Also, I hatched a 10k magby, and now I'm thinking their should be another sort option that keeps families together.
  17. You were a shining beacon amidst a sea of turds
  18. I can't say I missed that thread.
  19. Huh, for some reason I just assumed the staging site was an archive and not a functioning board
  20. The boards weren't completely dead? I thought they were completely shut down?
  21. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I have an exeggutor in a gym that's a few hours away from a third collect. I'm lucky if I can even collect once before I'm kicked out. I do think they should implement a one pokemon per species rule in gyms, because like you said, there are multiples of the same five over and over. I have yet to see an Electabuzz. There were some near stops on my walk from the office to my car, but it was always too cold and late to warrant a detour just for pokemon.
  22. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    How generous, sacrificing him like that for the greater good
  23. Could you possibly find where you saw that, if it is not too much trouble?
  24. Also, there was a bunch of stuff in the trailers that didn't make it into the movie.
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