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Everything posted by Raptorpat
Good thing it's not my birthday or this would be really tragic
The internet said it so it must be true. you old fogey with your tapioca pudding and your daily infusions of the blood of the youthful and your sponge baths
So did they completely kill the rate revives are given at? I went from like 40 revives to all my good ones are dead and there's nothing I can do.
It's like they saw this thread on our private message board and knew
Guess that explains the metal coat I got today.
I think it handled returning to the zones pretty well, given how linear they were. They gave you new sections to explore or twisted the environment into something new. I think the late return to the Eldon volcano area, where you lose all your items and weapons and you have to sneak and rebuild your inventory under the cover of night, was pretty clever. The sky hub was absolutely devoid of anything interesting though. It was like windwaker's ocean but more extreme.
The thing about it though was that, for whatever reason, it didn't even dawn to me that I was playing a tutorial until I got the glider, saw the cutscenes, and realized the Great Plateau, and what little was on it, was just a tiny, empty fraction of the world. It was like something straight out of Plato's allegory of the cave.
When I played the first few hours on the Great Plateau "tutorial" area, my two main thoughts were "wow this is really expansive, it'd take me weeks to explore this whole thing" and "I am starting to notice a distinct lack of characters, I have a bad feeling I'm in an expansive world with no characters to ground it to again." And then I obtained the paraglider and the real game started - I realized the Great Plateau was the tiniest sector on the map and there were no NPCs because it was abandoned, as the first thing I ran into on the ground were treasure hunters.
It took me until the very end of the game to figure out that slow, methodical sword swings were the best way to go, as I was still used to wagglemotion from the TP port. It was a very different Zelda game, one of the most linear and with the least sense of a unified overworld. Seems to me that they totally overcompensated in the other direction with ALBW (testing nonlinear play) and ultimately BotW (open world RPG).
The trailers have definitely given me the nostalgia. I think they cancelled the Wii u port in favor of a switch version, so I don't think I'm going to get to play it any time soon.
Waking up on days off is the worst, except for the first day back to work after actually sleeping in and then not falling asleep at night.
I've played cosmic encounter with friends and I infamously lost twice in instances where everyone in the game won but me. I really love the board game Diplomacy. I've wanted to try to start an online game here, but haven't had the free time or motivation to initiate a game and teach people how to play.
That poet guy was a tool amirite
Of all the notifications the game sends you from time to time, it should notify you when the coin timer resets and when a pokemon gets knocked out of a gym. Worrying about gym stuff is so far out of my routine that I forget, obviously.
I just realized I forgot to collect my 10 coins yesterday D:
I ended up using my gf's game to knock out the lowest guy in the gym and then I pushed it back up to 10 to put a guy in and claim the coins for the upgrade. If I'm lucky I will linger in there for a few days and get some free coins.
10 coins away from being able to afford the upgrade on sale, level 9 gym at the restaurant we are playing trivia at, push the gym to 10, and in then time it took to revive and heal one pokemon, the slot got sniped by someone else...
I'm not sure if breeding will ever be incorporated, but a lot of pokemon have slight visual variations between genders (since gen 4). Does anyone know if they added the variations when they added genders? Easiest was to tell is to see if you have any female Pikachu, they have a divot at the tip of their tail.
I updated and servers were terrible. Like July all over again, minus the popularity.
I don't see an update and there are no gen 2 pokes appearing
Really if I were them I'd hold off until spring. Start an ad campaign now or in March but wait until April to drop the new set. Remind in commercials that you can access your old account when you redownload the game. Might capture a fraction of the zeitgeist, instead of just updating the game and only the people still playing noticing
http://m.ign.com/articles/2017/02/15/pokemon-go-adds-80-generation-2-pokemon-new-evolution-items-this-week I didn't play Saturday or Sunday and lost both streaks for the first time since they added streaks. I thought maybe it was time for a break but I guess not
I play in spurts, maybe once a week. I last stopped just after beating the third kahuna and taking the boat to rescue lily. I don't know if it's due to pokemon shuffle scratching the itch between generations, the game not having the ORAS tracker that lets you know whether you've caught everything in an area, or whether my interest is just waning as I get older and have other things to do, but this is the least-engrossed I've ever been in a pokemon game.
I saw/caught my first lickitung, I guess that explains why
Does the GTS finally let you search by what other people are looking for, rather than what you want? Rather than having to search through pages of impossible legendary trades, why not a "I have starter X, what are people offering for it?"