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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. If he strokes from not taking medicine I win and if he strokes from taking spiked medicine you win. I dunno what the prize will be though.
  2. I typed up a reply this morning I don't know what happened to it. He obviously hid the pill under his foot so Hector wouldn't see it. My assumption is that Hector misses his meds and then has a stroke.
  3. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    Stepped outside and caught three more scythers, missed a fourth because I wasn't looking at my phone like some nerd
  4. And Hector's comeuppance via stroke
  5. I picked up the game this weekend for the first time in two months to get the mega stones and ended up finally finishing the elite four. Least invested I've ever been in a Pokemon game.
  6. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    Capitol is still a Scyther spawn
  7. I just can't really get used to Reddit as a place to post. The upvote/decay system for making things rise to the top makes sense when reading something once, but I can't get used to it in terms of having a conversation or reading a thread for new replies.
  8. Like, what would I even do if I was on the panel
  9. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I'm pretty sure there is a Scyther nest behind the state capitol building now. I didn't keep count, but had to have caught at least 7 or 8 of them while at work. I started this morning with the single candy I got from evolving the perfect one, and have enough to evolve another if I weren't going to use it to power up perfect guy.
  10. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    The deed has been done.
  11. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    There were two scythers outside the capitol building on my way home from work. One was a wonder with attack/defense/HP that exceeds calculations. That's perfect stats right? Because I have exactly 50 candy and a metal coat.
  12. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I have 27 revives. But if it makes you feel better, I haven't been to a gym since before I complained, so it's taken me this long to collect enough to revive all my fainted guys and start building up a reserve.
  13. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I was holding out on hoppip too until I realized hoppip and its line are stupid.
  14. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I was already out of potions/supers, but I realized I had way more berries than necessary so I got rid of 10 razz and 30 of the pink banana one I've literally never used.
  15. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    That feeling when I want to get my 7-day spin but I leveled up yesterday and have 390/350 items.
  16. I finally just caught the first two episodes of the season. It is great to be back, the only reason I have for being able to put off watching for a week and a half is that I forgot how good the show is.
  17. I hate that modern tax prep is the result of millions of dollars' worth of lobbying on behalf of tax prep firms to prevent the simplification of tax filing so that the firms have a raison d'etre. I also hate that TurboTax let me go through the whole tax prep process, and then at the very end of the process before filing for my only $60-$70 combined returns it tells me I need to upgrade to the $55 deluxe version to actually file because I had an $8 foreign income tax credit that popped up. Rather than just alert me as soon as the foreign credit was imported in.
  18. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I hatched a bulbasaur, ghastly, and a tyrogue from 2ks just now
  19. Speaking of which, as if on cue...
  20. "oh God *cough* it is so strong it's palpable"
  21. ... yeah
  22. You mean like when right as you sit down to eat dinner and the cat takes a spicy dump?
  23. I think they said there were only five worlds Which, to be fair, this was a crowd funded game afterall
  24. I only saw one review (I think ign) and when it praised the game it was because of the retro vibe, feel, and sound. I think they gave it poor marks for camera control and inconsistent level design (some levels were great but there weren't enough in total to bury a dud).
  25. How sweet was the sound?
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