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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. But what about westpark
  2. A nonspecific number of nameless, voiceless extras appearing just in time to die instead of the eclectic ensemble of main characters? Magic timespan allowing Gendry to run back, send a raven, and for the cavalry to fly north all in the span of waiting for the lake to refreeze? You can tell they are working out the finer details themselves tv-style, because if grrm were still involved they'd each have their own name, backstory, and it would be a shock that they died just as it was not a shock that only the priest and a dragon died. What happened to the BWB anyways? Somehow it shrank to the three of them.
  3. Had the registration problem gone back to the switch? The last person for the longer time to have joined was from just before the switch so I have a sinking feeling that there are probably people out there who might have tried to join but couldn't.
  4. That doesn't surprise me, given the the winding route the past few days have been to get to this point. But I guess it's a relief that now we know that they know. Did he happen to mention if anyone had put together an obituary?
  5. We don't have an obituary yet, we only have the death notice. http://qctimes.com/news/local/obituaries/pending-arrangements/article_9286983e-5c9f-5640-b8dc-18ab64c0b0c5.html We are discussing whether we should inquire about putting together an obituary. Given his circumstances, there may not actually be someone to write one for him.
  6. Raptorpat


    New thread: http://unevenedge.com/forum-introductions-questions-requests/j-michael-thoughts-condolences/
  7. You may have known him as "J. Michael," "Hateful," "Luuv," or simply as "Admin," and, as you may have heard, J. Michael Crow passed away on August 8, 2017, due to natural causes. We are all here today because he decided he wanted to build this little online community, and so he did. His concept of "UnevenEdge" existed in his mind, on paper, and in practice with his friends on-and-off since the days of zines. He wanted to rope his decades of ideas and experiences into this one site: as a social community, a hub for artists, and a variety of other things. Unfortunately the demands of life prevented him from fully achieving the potential he saw in this site down the road, but we are still here. Those of us he trusted to help run the site are going to continue to do so as-is, and once the dust settles we will determine the future trajectory of the site. If we have any updates on J. Michael, we will share them here. For those who have thoughts about J. Michael, click on the link to share them with us: https://unevenedge.com/topic/14057-j-michael-thoughts-condolences/ Finally, I will close this announcement with J. Michael's own unedited perspective on UnevenEdge:
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  8. Please feel free to use this thread to share your thoughts, condolences, funny stories, or whatever else you may have about J. Michael. Link to the announcement thread here: http://unevenedge.com/forum-annoucements-tips-guidelines/rip-j-michael-crow/
  9. My number didn't pop up, but my mother's did so I sent her an email with instructions. Mucho gracias tsar
  10. Please don't.
  11. Raptorpat


    It's legit. Unless something has changed in the last couple hours, I believe his emergency contact he listed for his work is still trying to find family.
  12. Raptorpat


    We don't have any intention of shutting the place down. KN is the one hosting the site, so its immediate future is not in question. Luuv saw his role more as designing the place and curating content more than any immediate technical need. And those of us who he reached out to because he thought we could help build the place - we'll figure it out.
  13. Raptorpat


    The default "Admin" was a placeholder until he came up with a new name. As with his insistence that this place was not the ASMB, he did not want to be tied to the "Luuv" name anymore.
  14. It got moved to the Dumpster Fires folder because it had turned into such a shitshow. I am guess that means there are still rank restrictions on who can see that folder.
  15. That was literally most of the first five seasons
  16. I think the rate of convenient fast-travelling is really putting a damper on the new connections. The party that formed at the end, tying several threads together? Even if the story makes sense, the pacing made it feel so forced.
  17. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    Maybe it's to get people to keep doing nonlegendary raids now that they've been outclassed
  18. My one contrasting thought is that no one with a name died. Are we officially in "character shield" territory?
  19. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I caught Moltres first try, but never got articuno. And the only money I spent was the free Google store dollar they gave out last Christmastime.
  20. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    i caught a moltres first try with first ball (if you discount the actual first ball i threw that missed)
  21. Ask poet, he was like the official unofficial asmb historian
  22. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    my game has definitely been crashing an absurd amount, as well as really heating up the phone.
  23. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    I used coins to buy a lucky egg to evolve through a whole bunch of stuff before the event ended and I hit level 30 - my inventory was at max and now I have about 94 items passed full capacity. I was going to use the great balls I got to catch the random pokemon still around me, but then I realized that unless I dump 100 items, they might be the only balls I have for a while.
  24. Raptorpat

    Pokémon Go

    There was another articuno raid at the same gym and same time as my last venture. Predictably, one of the guys who was there last time was there again with a friend, and we turned that into a decent group of maybe 10 people. I think catching on that that other stranger is playing too and initiating conversation definitely breaks the ice for everyone else, because other people recognize you're a group now and are more comfortable coming over and joining. I didn't catch articuno, but a lugia raid just started a few blocks away so most of us walked over and met even more people at the gym on the corner of a dirty looking alley (picture this old black guy walking his dog by with the most confused look on his face). We didn't have enough to kill lugia in time, but while battling more people showed up and there ended up at least two groups because we were well past the 20 as people continued to show up either solo or in pairs. I caught him in round 2. I had to use coins to buy the special box with raid passes, and now I understand how Niantic bet on the one free pass a day working out just fine. I might not go out of my way to do raids for Pokemon I already have, but in the moment once you're in that group it's hard not to keep going.
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