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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. I have a Hank Hill Booty.
  2. *chewbacca noises* 😘❀
  3. Gurl if you wanna call me yo bigfoot daddy I will make unintelligible growls for you 😘
  4. I am not a sasquatch. I am a human.
  5. There's only one fuggs 😘
  6. You know vanilla is the finest of the flavors, babeh 😘
  7. 7. Wait, no. I was thinking of someone else.
  8. Didn't watch it but I voted for boobs because I like boobs.
  9. If you want it bad enough, you'll make a hole.
  10. Wakin up lookin like Bruce Villanch.
  11. All this talk of boobs has me intrigued and desiring to see boobs. Boobs. BOOBS NAO PLZKTHX
  12. I think they're pasties.
  13. I also enjoy some Rush music, so I will retire when my post count is the cover of Rush's seminal album Moving Pictures.
  14. This isn't even my final form.
  15. Look at this photograph
  16. The punchline is too long.
  17. Do you mean physically, mentally, or emotionally? And what do you consider "destruction" for this purpose? Like, do you want the nuclear bomb destruction where the only evidence we were around will be shadows made of ash on walls, or are you talking more low key?
  18. The classic rock station plays "Santeria" now.
  19. I've got a job for you, babeh 😘
  20. I wore wristbands a lot. I don't know if that counts.
  21. Lazy wrassles and sneezes. They are good pups.
  22. Sleep well, sweet dreams. ❀
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