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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. It's a metaphor for life, nothing you do matters and we're all gonna die
  2. Is this a job you left, or were let go from? Why would you want to go back? Oh, you said you left it. Why would you want to go back? Call me a cynic but odds are the reasons you left still exist there.
  3. Of which? Scotch or bourbon or whiskey? I can suggest what of those that I like, I don't know if they're considered "good" but there's a few I always enjoyed and also some that were very nice as well but I couldn't afford them normally. I liked Jim Beam. It's not fancy, it's not special, but it didn't taste like shit and it wasn't stupid balls ass expensive. I was given a bottle of knob creek as a gift, that was pretty good, it had the smoky bourbony flavors with a smoother booze feel to it, it wasn't harsh to drink neat, and it wasn't one I would mix with anything. Jim beam i could drink straight, neat, rocks, whatever, i didn't feel bad mixing it, but I could also just neck it out of the bottle like a piece of shit and also not feel bad. Knob creek was not getting mixed, that was going into a small glass and then into my mouth slowly. That was some super fancy shit for me. I also liked Rebel Yell, but i've heard mixed things from other people who had it. I liked it, although I had the rye one. This is a really terrible review, but im an alcoholic so i wouldn't recommend total garbage, because believe me I've drank total garbage, and a lot of it. Scotch is a bit foreign to me, but johnny walker of a few different colors tasted like paint thinner to me. I'm trying to remember the names of the scotches I bought that weren't terribly expensive and didn't taste like actual poison. I'm failing at that task, but they were like $20 and were actually pretty good. They weren't ones i'd ever heard of, basic round bottle, the one was something like "21 notes" or "21 banks" something like that. They put it near some mid/low tier-ish scotches and I took a gamble because it wasn't a million dollars a bottle, and unlike johnny walker it didn't make me revolt physically. Johnny walker is paint thinner. Bad scotch has that paint thinner taste to it, unless thats what scotch is supposed to taste like, in which case Its possible I just don't like scotch. I have however had very expensive scotches before, fuck-all if I know what they were, but they were exceptional. Very smooth, rich flavor but no nasty weirdness. Would I buy them if I were rich? Maybe. But like with wine, there's a point where more expensive doesn't always mean better, and just because something's cheap doesn't mean it's diarrhea dogshit. Maybe you just don't like whiskey, but it can be good. Lots of people like rum, I'm hard pressed to recommend rum because there's basically only one I can drink, and even that sometimes doesn't sit well. Tequila can also be really good or really bad, similar to whiskey/bourbon/scotch. Gin, too. Bad gin is really bad. Good gin is really good, unless you don't like gin.
  4. Regular lasagna can be a lot of work, but it's delicious. This seems good, but yeah, that's a lot of extra steps.
  5. Johnny Walker is poopie, and bad scotch is really fucking bad, but good scotch is weirdly good. Bourbon and whiskey can be delicious, but when you get bad shit, it's reaaaaal bad.
  6. That song is filthy.
  7. It's goin out one way or the other
  8. With enough sand, wind, and time, Anakin could have the high ground, assuming erosion would affect where Obi Wan had been the most.
  9. it burns up in the atmosphere, moron, where you think mozzarella sticks come from? They don't just grow on trees
  10. My first serious girlfriend, without getting too much into details, as soon as she started college, within a few months cheated on me, and we split. It was significant, but thats neither here nor there, anyway, she had gotten a job at a movie theater when we were first dating, and had apparently stayed working there for years, because several girlfriends later, as I was recently single and depressed and very very drunk, my friends dragged me to see "pacific rim", and I went to buy snacks or a drink or something, and who was there but my ex. And she was also close to the end of her shift that night, because when it was close to showtime, and we went back that way, she was in the "cafe" of the theater or whatever with some goober, and we both saw each other and both knew that we saw each other again, after the awkward snack bar incident. ...But she definitely made a bigger deal of being all affectionate to her dude because she saw me, and if I hadn't just gotten out of a 3 year relationship that ended with both of us just falling out of love, I wouldn't have given a shit. But here was this girl who when I was with her, there was a great deal of things that happened. And I was drunk, sad, single and alone, but dragged to see this movie... I can't help but think that she was rubbing it in, and at the time I was really fucking irritated by it, but I realize now that what (literally years before this) would be my first date with the girl who I had just ended the relationship referenced before, we saw a movie at that same theater and had bought tickets from my ex. And the more recent ex was much more attractive, not that the first was ugly, but still... So I feel like I remember these stories now, and have to wonder if there was any ...intention behind the first ex's "oh im at the movies and so happy with some doofy dude, oh look its my first bf over there and he smells like he bathed in alcohol for two days what a coincidence" This incoherent garble of symbols resembling english words might sound like the bitter ramblings of a drunken skunk, but what started as an actually bitter ramble turned into an introspective, because things that shouldn't have mattered when they bothered me, had explanations Also, I had a way better relationship with the more recent ex, both romantically and physically, so while drunk-me at the time was pretty fucking jimmy-rustled, at least I got to see pacific rim and then drink more and blackout and then like 5 years later have an epiphany about it ...huh. There is a small chance that i might have been consuming alcoholic beverages this evening, but this is an actually legitimate and truly positive epiphany. So, kids, when you're older and depressed, binge drink and go to the movie theater, and half a decade later, you might learn something
  11. Oysters for breakfast? I mean, there could definitely be some crunch there, but a bowl of oysters and milk... Plus, the whole having to be "the hero of time" thing... I mean, really that's the thing holding me up.
  12. Ok, so, I watched a youtube channel that sadly died because their parent company decided to fuck them over, but I learned this technique from them. Basic burger, start it like normal, bit of salt and pepper on the patty, put it in the pan. But when you want to get fancy, here's what you do. Get some butter. Doesn't need to be a crazy amount, but you want ...enough... and you throw that in the pan. And you get yourself a bayleaf, and some other herbs of your choice, it depends on what you're going for. Can also depend on what kind of cheese you use, if you like cheese on your burgers. Thyme works well, oregano, or basil, or sage, tarragon. Pick like 2 or 3 herbs that you like, there's no need to overdo it. it works with dried, but it works really well with fresh. The bayleaf is key, so don't forget that, but if you don't have that, it's still going to come out tasty. Anyway, so you started cooking your burger, and you've flipped it. I said before about the butter, this is when you add that, and once the butter melts, you put in the herbs. So the burger and the herbs are sizzling in the melted butter, and you watch that burger for a little bit, wait for the color to go up the side, but you're also cooking the herbs, you want them to toast and fry a bit in the burger juice and the butter, and when you hit that good point, then turn the heat down a bit. Now what you want to do is pick the pan up and tilt it, but keep the burger near the top, you're just tilting it a bit, so that you have a small pool of burger juice, herbs, butter, and goodness. And you grab a spoon, and you start spooning that goodness over that burger. You baste that bitch, you spoon this golden brown liquid flavor over the patty as if your life depended on it. You want to cook the meat, but you also want to fry the herbs and pull the flavors out into the butter/meat juice, and you want to keep basting this patty until it's done to your liking. Put it on the bun, and then take a spoonful or two of the juice and drizzle it... You'll never make a burger another way again. You can do this method and still get a medium or even a medium-rare burger if that's what you like, by the way, I've done it and it still works. Turkey burgers, too. I add more herbs for them, since they're more plain, but it's great. It only adds a few extra minutes and two steps, but it was life changing for me. I'll look for a link, assuming the videos aren't gone, but trust me, it's truly outstanding. here, it's an old old playlist, but sadly, they ain't making anything else, because marketing hates fun.
  13. "Hey Link, here's your paycheck" 1. Have a tasty bowl of cereal or 2. Buy a magical item that requires it's owner to submit themselves to time travel and endless fighting and danger, and also not have a tasty bowl of cereal
  14. How's it taste? ...What's preventing me from just eating it, instead of hoarding it to where I have enough to buy things that burden me with saving the world?
  15. Why would hyrule specifically have a currency for buying magical musical instruments? Surely normal currency would work fine. If my boss paid me in "guitar bucks" I'd be pretty upset, I can't eat guitars, nor can I play one.
  16. Another easy recipe, although not really a "bulk" one, it's more of an easy one-lunch thing if you're a pig like me. Can of deviled ham bread or a wrap a cheese that you like, either pre-sliced, or you slice yourself mayo pickled banana peppers or other sliced pepper in a jar some kind of salad greens (lettuce mix if you're boring, spring mix, spinach, whatever) Take bread, or wrap, put some mayo. Standard bread will make 2-3 sandwiches per can of ham, a good bread will make one giant sandwich. For a wrap, you want the biggest burrito wrap you can get. Anyway, mayo. Not too much, but not too thin. Crack open that deviled ham and just pile that nasty goodness in there, for bread, you want to go from sea to shining sea, for a wrap, the zone of control. Cheese depends on if it's pre-sliced, or if you're slicing it yourself, and even that is really up to you, but you want a layer of cheese. For a sandwich, if you've mayo'd both breads, put the cheese on the other bread half, not the ham half, unless you like to live dangerously. Get your peppers and put a generous amount on the ham side. They add a good crunch and some spice. You can also use pickles if you don't like spicy-hot. I've done both, and it works pretty good, but one or the other is also fine. Then add some salad greens of your choice. I like spinach, but something like a spring mix is good too. Regular lettuce is fine if you're boring. Close sandwich, or roll up wrap. Secure with plastic wrap or tin foil, I tend to use both because I over-pickle stuff and it gets juicy, plastic to keep the mess in, foil to hold the shape. Quick easy sandwich. (Works with tuna as well, I like adding mustard if I do that. I know, it sounds weird, but a friend told me about it, and I tried it, strangely enough it works pretty good with tuna.)
  17. Still gonna argue that harem animes are fucking weird regardless. The shit's weird. Dudes or chicks going after either a dude or a chick, and even if some of them are growing dicks or growing tits, fucking their twins or not, or only implying it or not, is the shit not fucking weird?
  18. I made stock from a chicken carcass once, and it was a good idea in theory, but for me, it made more than I could use, and also, I let it boil down too much, so I really had more of a gravy. I should try again and not fuck it up, but chicken stock and even just bullion cubes are so cheap to buy, I dont know if its worth it. I dont usually roast a whole chicken or turkey much, so...
  19. Could easily do that with cutlets or thighs, too, but using leftovers from a roast bird is also a really good idea.
  20. Here's a stroganoff recipe as bartering 2ish lbs ground beef or ground turkey (turkey works, just needs more seasoning) 1-2 large onions, chopped bunch of diced garlic, I use a lot but I like garlic, so use your own judgement one of those 10oz packages of mushrooms, white or "baby bella", sliced like medium thin, or a can of sliced mushrooms, if you use canned, just add them later, drained, than if you use fresh bunch of grinds of pepper, black pepper or one of those menagerie peppers if you're fancy. Paprika. Smoked is good, regular is good, I don't know how much I use, but it seems like a lot. The sauce you will eventually end up with should be a pinkish-brown, so that much. salt to taste herbs, I like thyme, sage, and rosemary, dried and crushed, or fresh and diced finely. The ratio is up to preference, but its easy to over thyme or over sage something, so use judgement some milk or cream, 1/4 cup or less, and small amount of flour, half a tablespoon at most egg noodles, maybe like half a pound (half a bag) butter or some kind of vegetable oil, or both Heat large saucepan on medium-ish, with either a big chunk of butter or like a tablespoon of oil. Throw in the onion, garlic, mushrooms, and a generous pinch of salt, and sautee until its soft and the onions are browned and the mushrooms reduced and soft. If you're using canned mushrooms, sautee the onion and garlic and when they get to this point, add the canned mushrooms and toss them around a bit. Add the meat and stir a bunch, then add the herbs and paprika, and give a few cracks of pepper, circle the pan with it a few times, then sautee until the meat is browned thoroughly, stir semi-frequently. While that's happening, follow the instructions on the bag of egg noodles, you want enough to mix into the rest of the meal once they're done, so my estimate might be off. When I make this, I use a 3 quart pot for the noodles, I think about half a 1lb bag fits. Pinch of salt in the water, boil til done, drain, set aside etc. Back to the other pan, when the meats browned fully, reduce the heat a little bit and splash some milk or cream in there, you don't need a lot, but you want enough to make a sauce. I hesitate to say a quarter cup, but that sounds right. I always eyeball it when I make this. But add that, and stir, and make sure you scrape the bottom of the pan. Once you've done that, sprinkle a bit of flour over it and stir and cook until it thickens up a little. If you added too much milk, you can add more flour, and if you added too much flour, put a splash more milk in. You want a thicker sauce, but not too thick. Thinner than like a mac and cheese, but thicker than a sloppy joe. You can adjust it with the milk/flour technique, but it doesn't take much to shift the balance, so just use judgement. Once that's done, shut the heat off, and depending on which is bigger, either the pan you had the meat in, or the pot you cooked the noodles in, mix them together, and then serve. Or, put some noodles in a bowl and slap a spoonful of the stroganoff on them and serve. It ends up mixed up either way, I usually mix it all together before I take a portion. Keeps in the fridge for about a week, you could probably freeze it if you made a shitload of it.
  21. I was buying those frozen burritos and bringing two to work, and they taste good but they must have a catch, either theyre just really unhealthy, or not cost effective. I'm writing a recipe for something in my other post, but I wasn't done and saw the notification
  22. "Millionaire" was trash without Regis, even though it was trash anyway. And a million now isn't shit compared to back then. People don't have the same attention span for game shows, which is probably why millionaire got lumped in with "reality tv" alongside surivior and big brother and snuff films or whatever. Shit like that jeff foxworthy game show, or family feud was still popular because it gave way more chances for people to embarrass themselves. But even that gets old, how many old black ladies talking about dicks and making steve harvey blush before it's not funny anymore? And fuck jeff foxworthy, his speech is probably carcinogenic. It's not a bad premise for a quiz show, but like you said, the drama and bullshit is all manufactured, and what it comes down to is fake suspense, because some of the questions are stupid easy, and the drawn out "DUN DUN DUNUUUUNNUNUNDNDNUND" wears thin
  23. Yes, they lied about 9/11 when they used it as a means to invade Iraq, especially considering the majority of the hijackers were Saudi, and Bin Laden had been funded by us not too long ago to fight those pesky soviets in Afghanistan in the late 80s. "Rambo 3" was about them, who could've guessed that several years later, those same "freedom fighters" would be terrorizing their own people and ours. "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams", sure but a hot burning fire can structurally damage it enough to not support the weight of a massive fucking steel and concrete skyscraper. Armchair engineers talking shit about what the moon lander is made of and how buildings are constructed, and they don't know a damn thing about either. If the moon landing was faked, then how did the nazis build a fucking moon base there? Explain that one.
  24. So, I love to cook when I'm not being a lazy sack of shit, and I know my way around the kitchen, but seeing this folder made me think of something. I work long hour days in the middle of the week, but my mondays start later and are usually short days. Generally, Monday & Friday, I bring only snacks to work, eat actual meals at home, but tues-thurs I'm basically having dinner at work, and need to not spend all my money on wendys and supermarket sandwiches. Trying to think of some things to make that I could either make a "batch" of on like sunday or monday, and bring for lunch during the week. Going to be making a soup tonight after I finish cleaning my kitchen, but usually I'm not a big soup guy. I like sandwiches, but it seems like every time I buy bread, I don't use it fast enough and it goes moldy. I had been doing wraps for a bit, but similarly, when I'd buy salad greens, they'd go off before I could get through them, so it would be wasted. Stuff like chili or stroganoff, baked ziti, that kind of stuff works really well, but I'm looking to make things interesting, anyone got idears? I like all kinds of things, spicy or not spicy, curry, I'm not vegetarian or vegan but I'm open to things if they're tasty, I think the main issue is it needs to be something that I could just throw in a container and microwave at work, or have in a wrap or something. I have recipes I can share, but I'm trying to think of easy and cheap things, because its easier and cheaper to bring stuff than it is to go out and grab things on my break.
  25. Statistically, the odds that we are the only intelligent life in the universe is very low. The odds that we're the only life in the universe is also extremely low. But the odds that we've been contacted by alien intelligent life are also low, purely based on the sheer size of the universe. I want Bigfoot to be real, too, but it doesn't mean he is. Do you honestly think that given the scope of espionage between the US and Soviet Union back in the height of the Cold War, that some random joes found stuff that was "better proof" of a faked moon landing, than any kgb or other russian agency's doods would've had? Russia sent men and women to their deaths to beat us to milestones in the space race, if they had anything suggesting we faked the moon landings, plural, they would've been flaunting that loudly. They and every other major power would have no reason to play along, I can guarantee you that they knew we were getting there. If there was any actual evidence of a faked landing, why is it only random bloggers and youtube scrubs that seem to have the damning information?
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