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Everything posted by Jman

  1. Good. I'm hoping ratings rise for the far more engaging Battle Tendency arc. But let's face it, everyone just wants to get to Stardust Crusaders.
  2. My objection stems from it being an older show, and one reran to death at that. I'd rather rerun a first run show than GITS and its decrepit corpse.
  3. This is dumb. Old shows don't draw.
  4. Mochi is flipping out about Carl? The episode is about a guy, who is Carl from Aqua Teen in all but name (same VA!) trying to re establish old connections and confused as hell by Greg and his new pseudo family. He eventually learns to accept them warts and all.
  5. I got more of a Rocko vibe. The mundane and the fantastic mixed together.
  6. It wasn't the Japanese that fetishized her. Although she's probably been applied to every fetish. On the costume tip, Kishi did some game art where Naruto got a suit akin to Jim Lee's Cyclops outfit. Give him something redesigned like that.
  7. You could make an argument for half of them. But having them all played by white dudes? Even Shikamaru? Hinata where her being Asian is why fanboys liked her in the first place? You don't whitewash that.
  8. Only when they don't like what you like. Much easier to blame the people than the show.
  9. Hopefully the Netflix movie is decent. Saying it's drawing influence from Heat is a good start.
  10. Maybe they'll change the ending. And Sasuke will get what he deserves.
  11. Have One Piece be sent to the depths of hell (or at least off the block) and I'll be happy.
  12. Dimension W fell off after the first few weeks...and it stopped making sense. And Stein's Gate should never sir. I will always hate that line of thinking . "People don't like what I like so they have shit taste!" Maybe your taste is the shits.
  13. http://comicbook.com/2016/12/17/naruto-live-action-hollywood-film-confirmed-creator-involved-wit/ Let's face it, there's not a lot to mess up.
  14. Is that just because of how they treat gay relationships?
  15. It's supposed to be a Netflix series. Weismann probably ran from CN screaming.
  16. Notice how it's nowhere near Cartoon Network.
  17. www.comingsoon.net/tv/trailers/772981-voltron-season-2-trailer-and-nycc-details/amp Now let's make fun of the fanbase for being horrible garbage shippers.
  18. Inhumanoids. Another sister show of Transformers/GI Joe with weird monsters and out there plots.
  19. No one would watch it anyway.
  20. You can only dick people around for so long before they bail.
  21. Toonami would not be desperate enough to air Keijo after publicly calling it out on a bump. Granted, I would love to see it just for the reactions but Fujiko couldn't air, why would boob and butt sumo?
  22. Phantom Blood = Worst arc. The drop from Super/Kai to the other shows is going to be monumental.
  23. I'd laugh. It's like that stupid thing with the black girl Iron Man which went over so horribly Doctor Doom is taking the moniker. At least Doom Will be interesting.
  24. It's happening and despite your hate-on for it the show was a better watch than One Piece. Season 2 does improve the pacing.
  25. While he's not wrong, it's kind of a dead horse at this point. Bleach can be studied in creative writing courses as how not to write a story.
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