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Everything posted by Jman

  1. OPM gained on OP and DeMarco's squeeing for it becomes infinitely more frustrating. Cancel OP.
  2. The new rallying cry is "All hail Netflix and Hulu, your entertainment gods." Especially when Bojack Horseman is what Morel Orel wanted to be before Lazzo pulled he plug. (Also new season of Ajin > Shippuden.)
  3. Look at those drops for Hiatus and OP. In contrast, Naruto held rather well.
  4. Well...it's official. It bombed. Toonami is over. Everyone has moved to Netflix, your new entertainment God.
  5. IBO at least had character development, and forward progress. HxH is an absolute chore.
  6. Last second magic right there.
  7. It still doesn't make this current batch of episodes any less boring. Nor does it lessen the desire to have the show removed from the block.
  8. And the ratings were a record low disaster.
  9. Then it's too good to stay on Toonami.
  10. From a less confrontational POV, you can play the long game with your story, but you need to hook the audience with something, whether it be the character hinting at something or action setpieces that will come into play later. Hiatus x Hiatus has none of these things.
  11. Hopefully it's off Toonami before then.
  12. Hiatus is a fucking trainwreck, isn't it?
  13. I love super robot shows. I hate these fucking fujioshi/Steven Universe fandom refuse. They make fujioshi and normal SU fans look bad.
  14. The Briefs are canonically loaded because of the Capsule Corp technology. They don't need it.
  15. The Raiders started a rookie quarterback in the playoffs. What did they think was going to happen?
  16. New trailer. Takeaways: 1. Needs more super robots. 2. Keith working with a feminine looking figure in armor has all the Tumblrinas shitting their pants at the idea of Keith getting a female love interest. Seeing as he's shown no signs of being attracted to men, I say, fuck the bastards, give him a harem. See if they even watch the show or they just wanted to project their fantasies onto someone who didn't have much of a personality.
  17. Y7. A kids show square in the middle of the Swim. Honestly, you backed its ass up an hour, aired it at 7:30 during Cartoon Network proper and it would be all good.
  18. Because the series about anthropomorphic cars decided to be as dark as Logan for this third installment. Speaking of:
  19. I've never posted in that thread. Not once.
  20. Fist of the North Star is one of my favorite comics ever (at least till Shura ends) so imagining their proper counterparts dealing with the Y7 villains becomes outright hilarious.
  21. Fetishes are private things. You can have them, you just don't make every topic about them.
  22. You mean the fact that other people like figure skating? Sure, that's fine. It is an Olympic sport after all. It just looks lame, and Blades of Glory was hilarious about it (to me, although that film was a financial success). Although this does go into the long standing issues most Americans have with sports anime, a genre that traditionally does very poorly in the US (ask about sales of Big Windup! as an example.)
  23. Figure skating is lame. That was half the plot of Blades of Glory, that their loophole made the sport look lamer than it was.
  24. Something to be said for subtlety. Well, in honor of Double Dragon IV coming out later this month, let's all remember the Double Dragon cartoon. Or, if DIC borrowed the character designs from Fist of the North Star...and nothing else.
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