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Everything posted by Jman

  1. Jesus these ratings are hideous. I know everyone skips Phantom Blood but GOD DAMN.
  2. Clearly being on Toonami makes shows worse because the original airing had a decent amount of slower episodes but worked.
  3. Academia sucks and is Toonami editing out all the battles? Because God, IBO was pretty good. Granted I think Season 2 is pacing itself a lot better but still.
  4. The latter. And I remember when IBO debuted in subs and got good reviews across the board. Toonami does make everything worse.
  5. This isn't going to be confusing. Also whoever suggested My Zero Academia can go to hell.
  6. It's more interesting than HxH, Naruto and OP. Especially OP.
  7. Seven Deadly Sins is better than FT IMO. How does this show try to be Seven Deadly Sins? Is that one chick pilot due for a hell of a growth spurt?
  8. Colin Kapernick.
  9. Giants won but they were playing the Browns. I would hope they'd win.
  10. So saying a show is good pissed you off? How defensive are you of Fairy Tail? That's like people saying Accel World handles its stuff better than SAO and hating Accel for insulting SAO.
  11. Code Geass: Astral Ocean.
  12. It was a terrible show.
  13. Remember the first one bombed on Adult Swim. Keep it off US television.
  14. New episode is on. Why do I have the feeling Anthony Hopkins is going to get it so they don't have to pay him?
  15. References tend to be quick and fleeting. A full parody dominates the work.
  16. Satire covers concepts (Superhero fiction, sci-if) while parody is of specific titles (AOT Junior High being a parody of well, Attack on Titan).
  17. I don't usually talk shit about people's ethnic backgrounds. Look, this isn't about being offended at a joke, it's that...no one was laughing.
  18. That wasn't exactly a joke. Not a good one anyway.
  19. God...damn. I'm not sure which combination of curse words best describes my mood right now.
  20. What I wouldn't give...
  21. ??? I'm not a stereotypical Puerto Rican but fratboy?
  22. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2016/11/25-1/gainax-west-begins-teasing-panty-and-stocking Specifically, said tease is confirmed not to be the usual letdowns such as a Pachinko game, Blu Ray re-release, or social game.
  23. So Miyazaki is Tupac?
  24. If you want me to point the blame honestly, fall sports, particularly college football, are the issue. That's a consistent drain, past one time events like a Connor McGregor fight.
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