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Everything posted by Jman

  1. Most of the bottom 10's are loaded with shitty ASA shows. At least Kekkaishi didn't talk about AIDS even if it was for babies.
  2. Motherfucker I was joking. The real reason is that it's way easier to talk about what sucks.
  3. I admit it. It's a failure. Not as big a failure as One Piece (because JoJo was never earmarked as a major show LMAO) but it's a failure. Live and learn.
  4. I'm a chicken for posting my list? S:
  5. And I'd argue you're just buttmad because I make fun of One Piece and the ratings show it's a failure each and every week.
  6. No different than the Adult Swim lineup promos hyping the Fox shows...and Rick and Morty. Maybe Robot Chicken on occasion.
  7. No one cares what you like. Posting what you like is just a way to have it made fun of. Posting what you hate is where the internet dollars are. >
  8. Nothing else to say.
  9. I answered the important part.
  10. Did anyone find the three goddesses bullshit interesting? The strength of Tenchi was always the characters, not the overarching plot. But the third OVA and now this became obsessed with it. And it is so boring. So is Moribito.
  11. That's one of the reasons. The other is the plot being so convoluted and they talk about it constantly. No one. Fucking. Cares. Just have him pick a damn girl already!
  12. Actually there was a pretty noticeable down curve in ratings consistent with it not being funny.
  13. That didn't translate to ratings, especially after rerunning Season 1 in the exact same spot, and over half of its episodes being Dadaist experiments instead of you know, funny.
  14. The whole block is down from its summer highs, from DBZ to the encore at 3. There's unfortunately nothing really to say except hoping it picks up across the board. Super should help with that.a
  15. This block will have hope and enthusiasm when One Piece is cancelled.
  16. I am. I remember ratings have been down across the board since OPM ended, Dandy was not a big hit by any means, and Hiatus does meh.
  17. This show is hurting me. Why can't this franchise just die? They should have made more Gunsmith Cats or Exxaion. Now we're getting a damn ballroom dancing show.
  18. By that logic, every show after DBZ is robbing the rest of the block. Whatever is after DBZ simply is going to be ignored by a lot of people regardless.
  19. Hunter is doing meh at best. Granted anything short of horrible will keep you on but it is not a hit in the US by any stretch. The reasons are numerous (Netflix and Hulu, these shows not being unique) but those are the facts.
  20. There's a reason everyone, even the show itself, fast forwards through it.
  21. Phantom Blood is a slog. But yeah, this week technically doesn't count for Nielsens.
  22. I will always contend that it was a case of "Right place right time." Boys entering puberty watching a show about a bunch of hot alien wanting to fuck a teenager's brains out? Where the women were clearly portrayed as sexual? This was so radically different from other cartoons at the time that it was no wonder teens and tweens took to it.
  23. Bottom 10: 10. Paranoia Agent - Dull, pretentious and overall boring. A show that thinks it's smarter than it really is, like a teenage otaku who thinks shit like this makes him "deep". Deeply stupid maybe. 9. Reign. Alexander the Great forgets what pants are and stumbles through a plot that much like Alexander's actual foray into Asia, falls apart at the end. 8. One Piece - This is the show that never ends (or moves). Yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started watching it not knowing what it was, and people just want DeMarco to cancel the fucking thing just because this is the show that doesn't end... 7. SD Gundam. Proof that humor does not translate across borders. Well, most of it (the original SD shorts can actually be really funny at points). 6. Hiatus x Hiatus. DO SOMETHING! Gon is also not very interesting or likable. 5. Parasite. No special spelling for you bad show. Collapses near the end, and just a slog. 4. Dimension W. Show, don't tell! This is the worst kind of writing. 3. Wolf's Rain - Shitty nature Aesop that ends with a magic reset button. A shaggy dog (or rather shaggy wolf) story that ends with nothing being accomplished. 2. Moribito - Offensively boring. Sleep inducing. Anger inducing. Everything wrong with ASA. 1. Sword Art Online. This show would have escaped the bottom 10 if not for its continued insistence on tackling subjects it lacks the tact and nuance to address. Rape. Isolation. MOTHERFUCKING AIDS. A real and horrible disease reduced to a boogeyman to make us feel sorry for the littlest VR player. And even then it's a small miracle that the thirst of the countless women in this show for Kirito (TWO YEARS WORTH) didn't magically cure her because the Gary Stu can do everything else. If the show was 13 episodes it would have been average. As it stands it's not only bad, but offensive. Well beyond how a boring show like Moribito or a show you want cancelled like One Piece is. This is genuinely offensive to anyone who doesn't want their abuse reduced to making them a damsel, to anyone who saw a relative suffer from AIDS and have it reduced to a fictional boogeyman. This is a shitty power fantasy for geeks and gamers who like the idea of their mad gaming skills getting all the single ladies and saving the day. Shame on them! And shame on the author for trying to reduce people's trauma to a way to drive women into Kirito's arms. If you deal with real issues, use some goddamn tact!
  24. You're the one who flips their shit whenever people bash OP. IBO was better on Hulu, disguising its pacing issues (action, setup, action, setup), while Toonmai made it much harder to watch. It wasn't a flop but that did hurt it. Better than Hiatus anyway.
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