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Everything posted by Jman

  1. Some films like anything Miyazaki you can justify as being an art house connoisseur, but this? This is gonna flop like a fat dude off a high dive.
  2. The OP hate will continue until morale improves (in other words, when it's cancelled). As for the thres, GXP and its fail will ensure this never airs on Toonami. Given how many circles this plot goes in (does anyone give a shit about the convoluted goddess plot? I don't think so) that's a good thing.
  3. And immediately stop watching. We all knew Phantom Blood was going to be rough. The problem is now that it's over will people care about the good part?
  4. And you rage when you realize that One Piece will never be popular in the US. Ever. No merch, no references, no SNL skits, NOTHING.
  5. One Piece is on Toonami because DeMarco views it the same way Vince McMahon views Roman Reigns, not aware both are about equally as popular with live audiences (i.e.: not at all).
  6. Why is this still alive and Gunsmith Cats never getting anything past 3 episodes? Why is this still here and we don't have a Cannon God Exxaion anime? Why? Why? Why?
  7. And hopefully they'll get rid of One Piece. Everything sucks, everything fails, except Netflix.
  8. No, not the same. The OP marathon wasn't Christmas Eve. One Piece still loses. In the US One Piece ALWAYS LOSES.
  9. It was Christmas Eve. Aggregate ratings don't even count this week because of the shifts in population activity. UFC 206 rerunning on Fox apparently outdid It's a Wonderful Life, so who knows?
  10. It's that crappy drawing parents put on the fridge to be nice to their kids.
  11. 2016 can go fuck itself. With a cactus.
  12. That is horseshit.
  13. He also pined for a woman since Chapter 3. You'll receive no argument from me that the ending was bullshit (If Lionsgate changes the ending, it might just make the story a lot better, and wouldn't that be the fucking day?) but he was always about the women. Or rather, the woman. The woman who he was retconned into not liking to satisfy annoyed fanboys. God that show was awful.
  14. It's coming, it's just a matter of when. Still remember the vague rumors about real networks having been interested. Good times.
  15. I think there's a lot of gross simplification in media from fans that any attraction is automatically sexual in nature. There's a book on writing from way back by CS Lewis (yes, the Narnia guy), called the Four Loves. Short version, the 'loves' include empathy and a familiar bond, Storge, friendship, and that bond, Philla, the obvious bond of sexuality, Eros, and unconditional love, which he described from a spiritual/religious perspective. The book goes on to note that there is a lot of confusion in media about how people confuse Eros, or the sexual love, with the others. Thus, the discouragement to use Storge between two men or two women in media because everyone has to assume they're gay. Which is bullshit.
  16. Kill La Kill is a bit different, although it isn't as overt as Panty and Stocking, which was a statement about fanservice and the requirement of a lot of otaku for "purity in female" characters. Kill La Kill was more or less a blunt critique of people angry about fanservice. Also yeah, dude jerking out to another dude's skating routine...eh, disgusting. Although this explains why figure skaters IRL have a very macho posture to deflect the endless "You ghey" criticisms they get.
  17. No, not really. Both are pretty shameless in how they attract the gaze of their respective gender targets.
  18. It's not saying you can't like a show, just pointing out the dichotomy. Also I can say I like Keijo but think it's hella stupid. Because it is.
  19. I would counter the plot and the appreciation on both ends is affecting by the sexual preference of the viewer.
  20. Doesn't a guy literally orgasm watching a routine in one episode? That's pretty damn vulgar.
  21. I wonder why. Probably the same reason I have absolutely no interest in Yuri on Ice.
  22. Well Mortal Kombat was OK, but that outright stole its plot from Enter the Dragon, which is a classic.
  23. The sad thing is by the very low standards of video game movies, the Angry Birds movie is among the best rated.
  24. Well yeah, but people were hoping for that Western answer to Gurren Lagann or GaoGaiGar. Instead we got the worst CG this side of Believe in Santa, animation that looks like the rejected reels from The Magic School Bus 2149, and a super robot show more interested in making fan girls write shit (and I do mean SHIT) about them that has nothing to do with the damn robot. And jumping through endless hoops and threatening people demanding the ladies man be rewritten as a stereotypical flaming gay man. FUCK YOU! So...yeah, I wish we got a Daimos remake instead.
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