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Everything posted by Jman

  1. Move to Dumpster fire?
  2. Their rudeness and threats against anyone who doesn't fall in line with their way of thinking is independent of the show itself. The show itself is subpar. The fans are crazy people. These are independent of each other.
  3. It's not all bad. Too bad the new South Park game isn't till next year.
  4. So...this movie sucks, doesn't it?
  5. Look, you're under the assumption that I'm hating on people for liking shows. That's not the case. It never was the case (also I don't hate Sailor Moon, I just don't want it on Toonami. Big, big difference). It's just that this show was supposed to be something great, and it came out...less than great. The insane fandom is a separate problem. When someone says giant robot show, I'm assuming something like this: Or this: What we got...doesn't live up to that.
  6. Well the growing consensus is that is well below par. Add that with insane fans, and it's just leading to the conclusion that cancellation is the best choice. The fans are not, and it's a disturbing trend. This isn't a gay figure skating anime, it's a super robot show. The "fans" are ruining it for everyone.
  7. More like a show about how terrible the West is. But also terrorism.
  8. Go to Tumblr, look up the stuff people are arguing with over this fandom, and try not to rage. Try to ignore the death threats towards actors or blatant disregard for stuff people said. Like when Jeremy Shada (dude who plays Lance) said Lance was straight and the fandom outright said he was an idiot. They're the idiots. Or the threats towards the guy playing Shiro. I wanted something closer to Dancouga or Daimos than Korra. Is that a crime?
  9. Looks awful. Is Yuri selling for them? What about Keijo?
  10. Well, the fans are psychotic. Look, I didn't want the series to fail. I didn't want the fandom to be a raging ball of insanity. I wanted a show that could be that sort of Western version of Dancouga or the Brave Series. But here we are.
  11. No, just...no. The show is shit and the fans are insane.
  12. This may be the worst super robot show in the past 10 years...so my hopes are minuscule. Terrible show, and terrible fans.
  13. John Callahan, the creator of that show, was a quadrapalegic (died in 2010) and that animation is the result of a disabled guy drawing by holding a pen in two hands. FUNi actually tried releasing it on DVD a few years back before finding out the audience was nonexistent.
  14. ASA was always shit. Geass, shit. Death note, shit. Kekkaishi, kid shit. I can go on forever, but FUCK ASA.
  15. So shit, and exhausted reruns x4. FUCK ASA.
  16. I think the OVA actually references that bit. Rikuo gets one appearance when Pyron goes to Earth, and murders him. Essentially killing the joke. Get it?
  17. Pretty much this. He's flat out said he's gone to bat for the series to prevent its cancellation on numerous occasions.
  18. There's a cartoon folder. If you want to bash Steven, do it there. I'd be interested to see why you hate it.
  19. Were this anyone else I'd know it was satirical.
  20. Ben is triggered. Seriously, part of me wonders if you pick shows people dislike to champion on purpose.
  21. On the subject of bad cartoons: Darkstalkers. Not the four episode OVA based on it, the 13 episode US cartoon. So, a fighting game about monsters being turned into a cartoon. When said monsters include a succubus that thrives on sexual energy, an amazonian catgirl with huge breasts and virtually no clothes, and Vampire Hunter D with a Stand from JoJo. This is the game that warranted a kids cartoon. Just...why dammit?
  22. We can't get a Cannon God Exxaion series, or Crossbone Gundam, or Karate Minoru, but we get to reopen the old wound that is the Naruto ending. Please let it end soon.
  23. I'd say this is below Anthony Hopkins but he's gonna be in the new Transformers.
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