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Everything posted by Jman

  1. You are the most oversensitive snowflake when it comes to this stuff, and you'll be a lot happier when you realize apathy and disinterest does not equal hatred of you or your sexuality.
  2. ...Satire. You suck at it.
  3. No, because the show is funny and I watch it to get away from that bullshit, so the fandom that wants to drag that in is terrible. Star's humor is reminiscent of Rocko at points, which is an immense compliment. Do not ruin that with non-existent subtext. Also, the last episode was literally about a demon curse telling people Marco's deepest insecurities. He didn't say a damn thing about being transgender, so guess what? Theory debunked.
  4. It's funny how the answer to not want to see a show that doesn't appeal to people is to accuse them of homophobia. By that logic you're homophobic because you don't want to see lesbian porn.
  5. Unrequited love turned to rage and self loathing. No, seriously though, where is my Robot Chicken sketch that destroys Steven Universe in one shot?
  6. As dumb, like, as insanely utterly moronic as Keijo is, better than the first anime to be banned under President Trump.
  7. Now that's just mean.
  8. Look, as long as Adult Swim has Family Guy, there's no need to worry about what SJW's say.
  9. The Member Berries steal their scenes.
  10. No there isn't. That blog is such a load of SJW pandering bullshit that it oughta be banned from the internet.
  11. The problem with that is you're considered implicitly racist if you do.
  12. https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/the-alt-right-has-its-own-comedy-tv-show-on-a-time-warner-ne?utm_term=.gvMMlkqG2v Just remember. As long as they have Family Guy it's all good. Also someone get Seth Green to rip Steven Universe a new asshole. Make it burn!
  13. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Conor_McGregor,_UFC_189_World_Tour_London_(2).jpg[/img]
  14. One Piece - Albatross on the block. This is admittedly an unusual week. Everyone was watching the fight.
  15. Good, HBO boxing as the come down from last week.
  16. I'm still annoyed Ron Perelman isn't playing Batou.
  17. JoJo was screwed this week although it still pulled over a million. The UFC smashed an all time PPV record for them with 1.7 million estimated buys. Conor McGregor is having none of your shit TOM.
  18. Speaking of "Greatest Hits": Even has the original track from the scene it's adapting (albeit a new composition from the original composer)
  19. So Elfie is not ever coming back sadly.
  20. Conor set the Garden afire.
  21. Essentially a "greatest hits" album of scenes from various incarnations of the franchise put together in a thin plot.
  22. You were saying about Romero?
  23. Didn't have the time to make formal predictions, but... McGregor by KO (2nd) Woodley by decision. Joanna by decision. Romero by decision.
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