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Everything posted by Jman

  1. She's too busy selling Fords. No, seriously. There's an ad campaign with redubbed Sailor Moon footage selling Fords.
  2. Everyone screws up once in a while. How many one and dones before uncovering Rick and Morty? How many failed ASA shows before Toonami? Etc.
  3. All the people from Silent Hills team up to confuse the shit out of us.
  4. Joseph is best JoJo anyway. He also hails the series becoming a lot more exciting.
  5. Phantom Blood continues to make its case for being the worst arc.
  6. I'm surprised if only because when faced with criticism, Lazzo has repeatedly chose to double down. This is one of the few instances where he did cancel something.
  7. Up for the moment. Let's see how it held the other shows first.
  8. Someone with a sick sense of humor.
  9. Fuck. That is all.
  10. Exo Squad was shit. And in case you haven't noticed, everything is down. One Punch Man was the main exception and a show that popular is a rarity. It's like comparing the performance of a Conor McGregor fight to a standard Fox Sports card.
  11. So they need to get into the city with 20 tanks vs the entire army waiting for them. No proper mecha, just the tanks. These are not good odds.
  12. The comics are phasing out the X-Men to decrease their value as a property. I expect similar.
  13. https://www.engadget.com/2016/12/03/marvel-vs-capcom-infinite-hits-the-ps4-in-2017/ Mega Man is in it. Rumors heavily suggest the X-Men are not. Blame Fox.
  14. Rumor is Gainax is going bankrupt so a lawsuit would have the suing party listed as a creditor.
  15. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-12-01/evangelion-studio-khara-sues-gainax-for-100-million-yen-in-royalties/.109396 For those of you playing the home game, that's only $880,437 in USD.
  16. Dallas... They got lucky with those let few calls.
  17. FT had a head start. SDS has the Netflix exclusivity which helps somewhat.
  18. Glad SDS did so well, but beating OPM? Huh.
  19. Phantom Blood is the shortest arc for a reason.
  20. I expect the opposite. Once Battle Tendency begins and STUFF HAPPENS, people will care.
  21. I would cite Voltron as evidence to the contrary but the Tumblrinas in that fandom don't care about the robot, which honestly pisses me off. Slightly OT - the two things I want in season 2 are the fan girls "Space Dad" to be King Dead, and more giant robot fights. And as said before, everyone skips Phantom Blood.
  22. I'm saying opinions of shows tend to go far more negative after a Toonami airing. Maybe that's because of the specific audience, I dunno. That's just a matter of seeing reactions pre and Post Toonami airing.
  23. You're one to talk OP fanboy. : Seriously though, Lupin and Mob Psycho would be good choices. Academia...no.
  24. Universal apparently gave Nintendo total freedom to do the attractions their way. This could go either way. I do love me some roller coasters.
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