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Everything posted by Jman

  1. I didn't get confused so much as I didn't give a shit.
  2. Because the tone of this thread switched from "This show is slow" to "DIE DIE EVERYBODY DIE!"
  3. Season 2 of Voltron was...a lot better. Personally, if you look at both halves as one big season, it works a lot better. (Fandoms be cray-cray tho).
  4. Any legitimate complaints about Hiatus have long since gone out the window. The big one is that it takes its sweet-ass time.
  5. Is it any dumber than some of the stuff on Walking Dead?
  6. I'm over here in my corner watching whatever anime is exclusive on Netflix. I guess Voltron counts. Y'all be angry about Love Live too much.
  7. Reading the Expanded Universe and the various flings he has (to the point it becomes a running gag how women throw themselves at him), no. Then again I read those books.
  8. Well, I still have no idea what they plan on doing with Pidge yet. Also, next season, Lotor was a gigantic creep towards Allura in the old series with a massive Oedipus complex. I could easily see that being used to confirm Keith and Allura's relationship.
  9. I don't know. If Keith had a personality in the first half I would actually agree with you, but for the first season he was a store mannequin that knew kickboxing. Now he has a personality, and he clearly feels lonely, feels isolated, and apparently really cares about Allura and what she thinks of him.
  10. They addressed the Shiro/Keith stuff at least. Shiro seems to be Keith's surrogate brother. Keith flat out says Shiro is a brother to him.
  11. Season 2 hit, and the same fujioshi who pushed the Asian guy into a gay relationship when he had no personality are now pissed he has a personality...and apparently has feelings for the black girl. "Oh he has no chemistry! Oh they need to be platonic!" Fuck off.
  12. It's like they want me to hate this show. http://www.polygon.com/tv/2017/1/18/14301768/voltron-legendary-defenders-season-2-netflix Everyone go watch Knights of Sidonia instead. It's on Netflix, there's a genderfluid character that isn't tactless fan girl bait...and it has a lot more giant robot fights.
  13. We have those too. It's just usually they're not made into cartoons.
  14. Anyway, I imagine a slice of life show like this has a far easier point of entry than OP's massive continuity. Easier to make new fans.
  15. Steampunk Walking Dead? Yeah, for a show based on the zombie genre it felt rather unique.
  16. If the Hollywood adaptation of Naruto changes the ending, it will probably end up killing Sasuke. I would call that a marked improvement.
  17. You re-created a thread that got deleted? This will not end well.
  18. Blame Toei. They apparently will only let Luffy be voiced by a woman and screen said voices.
  19. Since a certain someone isn't here, I will say that One Piece made a terrible first impression on Toonami. 4Kids took a silly show and made it sillier while excising or altering all the dramatic moments, Then to add insult to injury, Toonami's first arc re-introducing OP? One of the silliest arcs and reinforcing all the bad memories 4Kids gave people.
  20. You're still dealing with a tainted product. Although starting with a comedy arc and reinforcing everyone's negative feelings towards One Piece was incredibly dumb.
  21. It was just Mochi bringing up the ONLY thing he brings up. Again.
  22. All ratings save DBZ are the shits apparently.
  23. Latest, IBO, then Season 2 of Kuromukuro. Kurmukuro is so much better than Voltron it's not even funny, which is strange considering the pitch is "Inu-Yasha with giant robots and less filler or people yelling names." Actually, wait, that's freaking awesome.
  24. The final episode...20 years after the fact. Although everything said has
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