Well, after the latest ratings related panic attack, it's time to once again ask about the digital end of getting Toonami shows. It's been said over and over that On Demand is and continues to be what pushes somewhat niche content forward. Look no further than Netflix investing significantly in its anime offerings, Hulu acquiring streaming rights where available, and Crunchyroll reporting record profits (while laying off staff, because capitalism.). In contrast, AS/Toonami's offerings are woefully underfunded and out of date. Let's count the issues:
1. Limited selection. This could be a matter of rights, but nothing is more frustrating than wanting to start watching a show, only to realize that the show cycles on at Episode 10. Off to Netflix!
2. Lack of support. In an age where every video app wants to be on your console and multimedia device, Adult Swim's app is still limited to Android, iOS, and PC. If you want to watch anime on demand on your TV, you would not be using Adult Swim's app.
3. No saving your spot. Just about every single app saves your spot. Adult Swim? Fuck you, write down the time stamp.
In an age where On Demand offerings eat Toonami's lunch, they need to offer robust On Demand options to answer in kind. They do not.