You just admitted to losing. Because you have no recourse. As usual. Your show bombs and it's all "b...but the experts...". Toonami is not run like a normal network. We should have realized that when DeMarco admitted to going to bat for OP repeatedly when cancellation was suggested AND DESERVED.
The only reason, and both Lazzo and Small admitted this ON THE RECORD, for not selling the Metalocalypse rights back to Smalls, was because Lazzo PERSONALLY DID NOT LIKE IT. Ratings? Fan base? The money? Doesn't matter. He said the show was getting "too plot heavy" and cancelled it for that reason. He didn't like it, so therefore no one likes it and it has to die.
Shit like that is why Adam Reed is with FX and shows that would have been on CN five years ago like Voltron are Netflix exclusives. Straight up, if Thundercats debuted this year instead of 2011, it would be on Netflix and wouldn't have been cancelled. Might have sucked less too.