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Everything posted by Jman

  1. I dunno, I just cannot like Super. It feels like post cancellation Family Guy and everyone is a complete asshole. At least OG Goku had the excuse of being a kid, same as GT Goku.
  2. I recommend it because...it reminds me of Rocko a lot. It's funny, the messages aren't pushed really hard, the ongoing story never falls into melodrama, it's just really fun to watch.
  3. There's bad writers who really hype up gay characters and go "if you dislike this you're a bigot" (CoughKorraCough). Star just lets it be and is better for it.
  4. That's a good thing censorship wise. But notice how it's just there and in addition to rather than in place of M/F romances. They don't need to brag.
  5. He's not Superman but he had nobility. You know what the difference between Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin is? Homer gives a shit about his family, even the boy. The entire plot of the Simpsons movie is Homer fucking up and then moving heaven and earth to set things right, something Peter would never do. Z and GT Goku, especially GT Goku, is the same kinda lazy guy who wants to fight and train but when it came down to it, was willing to move heaven and earth (literally sometimes) to save his family and friends. Super Goku wouldn't give a fuck if it meant getting a good fight out of it.
  6. While GT sucked, it had redeeming qualities. The Shadow Dragons are essentially a giant call out towards the series and how casually it treated death (the sheer rage from Dende on Dragonball abuse is hilarious). Hillbilly 17. And the ending actually has Goku be a true hero, not the manchild he's completely devolved into in Super.
  7. This is essentially post-cancellation Family Guy where everyone becomes infinitely less likable, only not as preachy and up its ass with messages.
  8. Moonlight won and I expect Trump to rage tweet any minute now.
  9. Charm will always be subjective. Isn't her the dating scene?
  10. To me, it has the opposite of charm. And a lot of times, charm is not enough. Charm didn't save Bleach, and it didn't save Naruto. But HxH has no charm, and OP has the opposite of charm where seeing it drives me into a frothing rage. I think a good example of charm in a show is say, The Flash, where you excuse goofier elements and character pining because everything is so high concept and fun.
  11. Poke, it's OK. It's Ok. You know he's just looking to troll.
  12. Telling people to die because they make fun of a show is way worse.
  13. No, I'm saying that charm and endearment can make subpar shows look better than others while those shows are examined with the most critical of eyes because they lack any form of charm or class. I wonder why that is. Remember, this is the same guy who said he hated Naruto because the ending rendered the entire central conflict of the series a shaggy dog story.
  14. Wolf's Rain also sucked hard. Remember the ending?
  15. La La Land is going to run the table because Hollywood likes to :fap: to itself. Constantly. :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: Hell or High Water has no chance because it's straightforward, Hidden Figures is too much of a crowd pleaser, and Hacksaw Ridge is more traditional but doesn't give Hollywood it's :fap:.
  16. I'm the one that needs to be dealt with? Who's the one cursing people out for not liking a show?
  17. It's almost like something is making everyone really examine One Piece for all its faults, while the other series can sometimes be endearing enough that those quirks are looked past.
  18. Considering how many people have dismissed those shows outright, no. You're just mad the critical eye has been turned towards a shoe you like.
  19. So people should accept the countless faults and stop being mean? Didn't work for Batman v Superman at the Razzies, doesn't work here.
  20. The One Piece criticism will continue until it is off the block and morale subsequently improves.
  21. My point was that the line was ridiculous and there were way better ways to say it, IN CHARACTER, but we can't have nice things.
  22. It's still a stupid line. "I can't get tied down! I haven't earned enough yet!" It's a ridiculous logic hole for a ridiculously slow series.
  23. ASA was weak. Their shows were teh suck. Go all comedy.
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