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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I don't know, do we?
  2. I'm not bold enough for that, especially since the porn thread in the anime folder was deleted.
  3. Seems the porn thread in the anime folder was removed... >_> I remain unbanned though. Mods being nice, I guess. ;D
  4. I didn't mean what bannings have happened, but rather what methods of banning are you planning on using when the situations arise? Like how on the ASMB they decided to do away with IP banning. Are there any banning methods at your disposal that you're just like, "Meh, we're not going to use that"?
  5. It happened with the new skin.
  6. Here's one for the so bad its glorious category. "Fake" heavy metal from 1990, 80s to the bone. A forgotten obscurity, somewhat notorious as one of the worst metal albums ever. Content warning: Mild nudity.
  7. I'm getting some pretty bad loading issues again.
  8. Temp banning? Permabanning? IP banning? Shadow banning? Hell banning?
  9. Adult gamers maybe, but I can definitely see lots of kids being mobile with it.
  10. This is the problem I have with their name. Popeye was a sailor who loved spinach. So Popeye's would make a good name for either a salad bar or a sea food restaurant. But what the fuck does Popeye have to do with chicken?
  11. Kinda like this, its nowhere near as bad as it was at first, but it still happens occasionally where the page will timeout. EDIT: I don't know if its because this is the first time I've been on this board this early in the morning (5:30 AM Pacific) but its going lightning fast right now, like faster than its ever been.
  12. Now that you bring it up, I don't really know what they are either. I just assumed they were some kind of berry. Makes sense, right?
  14. That actually seems like a compliment. But to be fair, I don't even know how elderberries actually smell, so...
  15. Reading this thread title made me go "WHAT???" really loud. Reading the beginning of the article, it makes a LITTLE bit more sense, but that's still incredibly stupid.
  16. Interesting. If it only lasts a couple weeks I hope it didn't cost much. ;D
  17. What's a henna tattoo?
  18. (1985 original) (2016 reissue of above) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-etPnQNa7390/UFo6qx6pb0I/AAAAAAAAA78/Ica06H981ow/s1600/deliver+us.gif[/img] Content warning (I can finally post this one, yay!):
  19. I've never had cherry cream soda before. That sounds good.
  20. You may be able to sing better than me, but I'll bet I can play guitar better than you! So there!
  21. Instead of displaying it on one line as "Doom Metal Alchemist", it displays it on two lines, as: "Doom Metal Alchemist"
  22. I also don't like how my sn is split between two lines next to my posts.
  23. I'll start this thread off with the ones at that very top of my list: I don't know if this one is a ballad per se, but just in case it is, it is definitely worth putting in this post as one of my all time favs:
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