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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Wait, what year is this?
  2. The origin of passover is in the old testament, isn't it? I remember learning about it in my Christian private school. Seems more Christians would know about it in the same sense as the flood, Moses, etc.
  3. Random question: If a human eats human flesh... is there a chance they can get a human equivalent of mad-cow disease?
  4. Isn't that against the law?
  5. Bite my shiny metal OH NO!
  6. That is sound advice.
  7. Your video uploads never work for me.
  8. Man neither of those things are what I read.
  9. I would have spelled it "tik tokking." Like spit / spitting vs spite / spiting.
  10. Freudian slip?
  11. He's significantly older than me (as far as I'm aware), and xennial is an extremely small window (born between 1982 and 1984).
  12. No he's not, because I'm a xennial.
  13. I think all I have before 1970 is Journey to the Center of the Earth.
  14. I need my chin beard. I like my mustache too and don't want to get rid of it any time soon.
  15. When I moved into my apartment, me and my dad did most of the leg work. But then there was the matter of all the heavy furniture. My parents are the only family I have left here (all 3 of my brothers and their families moved away) so it's just me and my dad to do the hard things. However, I have throughout my entire life been very scrawny and without muscle, and my dad was always hella strong my whole life, BUT he's in his 70s and has a bad back, and he's in no condition to be lifting heavy furniture anymore. My did thought about hiring pro movers but he really did not want to pay the thousands of dollars for it (and he didn't want me to pay for it either). So I asked two of my friends to help move all the furniture. I offered them free pizza and beer. My dad said tell them they'll get $100 a piece too, from him. They agreed, and they did a great job of hauling all the big shit into the truck (my dad rented it), out of the truck and arranging it how I wanted in my apartment. They seemed very happy to do it, and they enjoyed the pizza and beer, and were really grateful for the money. When it was all done, my dad remarked to me, "Your friends helping us were a godsend." I told my one friend that my dad said that, and he said us asking him to help me move was like a godsend to him too, as he needed money for his kid's school pictures, and he had no idea where he was going to get it, then the money from my dad made him able to afford it easily.
  16. That's the one Foo Fighters song I liked. Very Nirvana-like. When I bought the album I was massively disappointed because I wanted an album's worth of basically this^
  17. Is that humorous sign itself an Easter Egg?
  18. It occurs to me the particular flavor(s) of the cookies was never stated and no one even bothered to ask.
  19. They put a few arcade cabinets in the breakrooms at work. One of them in one of the breakrooms I constantly use has Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, Super Street Fighter II, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo in one cab. I enjoy watching the demos the programers programed into the game when I am on break. When it's set on Street Fighter II Champion Edition, one of the demos that is constantly played is Ryu vs Ryu. Both Ryus just spam the fuck out of Hadoukens the entire time. So if you ever wonder why people who play as Ryu tend to do nothing but spam Hadoukens, it's because that's the way the game shows you how you are supposed to play as Ryu.
  20. I know you're incredibly confident Trump will go to jail, but I don't see how you are that confident the SCOTUS won't just bail him out every time.
  21. Nuggets made of chicken soup? Or chicken nuggets meant to be eaten in soup?
  22. Man, I thought I had a lack of self control pertaining to cookies.
  23. I cant exactly remember when it happened, but it was probably somewhere between 2000 and 2010, McDonald's announced they're making a conceited effort to rebrand themselves from a child's playground to a place where college students could eat and use the wifi to do their homework or whatever they wanted to do on the Internet. I'm curious to know if they feel they got their intended results.
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