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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Fair enough at this, but the analogy comparing crack and coffee was asinine. What makes cigarettes addicting is the nicotine. There is nicotine in nicotine gum and nicotine patches (obviously). There is no cocaine in coffee. Unless you want to mix some in yourself, I guess.
  2. If someone is addicted to cigarettes and has tried and failed quitting.... why not get addicted to nicotine patches or gum instead? You get all the nicotine you crave without all that other harmful shit in cigarette smoking.
  3. Why wouldn't those places play like, Spotify playlists?
  4. What about bluetooth?
  5. That is true.... I think most of the non-big dick dudes are either the female performer's S.O. or that particular studio's producer. So if a huge dick isn't a requirement to be a male pornstar.... what ARE the requirements?
  6. Nipples can definitely be described as "puffy." Whether yours fit that description I don't know.
  7. Isn't really the only requirement for a male pornstar is to have a huge dick? Doesn't ghosty supposedly fit that requirement?
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. I haven't seen the movie and don't plan to, but thought some of you might appreciate this:
  10. The joke’s on you, cleavage doesn’t annoy anyone, it only brings pleasure. 😝
  11. And Fred and Daphne do it.
  12. The cookie oven at Burger King is always broken.
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. Let's be real. You knew it wasn't going to happen. I don't know if she still lives in Las Vegas, but in the past she made it no secret that's where she lived. Quite a ways from Ohio. This meant you knew she in no way was going to say yes. You had nothing to lose, and nothing to gain.
  15. That sounds like what Duncan from that one episode of Bob's Burgers might call it. "Oh you call it Ding Dong Ditch? In New Zealand we call it Knicky Knocky Nine Doors."
  16. Do we really have to go over the semantics of what constitutes "fiction"? Whenever Bouvre posts her published works here, is there any question as to whether what she wrote actually happened in real life or is it just assumed she's telling a story? By the same token, does this make her a liar?
  17. It's not though because fiction authors don't claim their stories to be true.
  18. Says literally ever religious leader ever.
  19. Now THIS was a good joke.
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