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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. Yes she did.. we got drunk as fuck and talked a lil bit to. Hell of a night. I just didn't expect it to go that way after she clearly started off her conversation with me with a lie, and she made a bit of an ass of herself at the bar. Hell of a night though..
  2. Definitley MILF, She was probably in her thirties or something if I had to guess. I made the mistake of asking how old she was and her response was 18, which I had to call her bullshit on..she was sexy, but you could tell she was older.. She could've said something in the mid twenties and I might've bought it. She was a stylist though so I think her not being able to pass for 18 really pissed her off, and it wasn't the greatest start to the night.
  3. We stopped by her house because she was worried about her kid, and that lady pointed him out to me. Not only was he like two or three feet taller than me; There couldn't have been more than a year or two age difference between us.
  4. excuses are like assholes everyones got one.. all I know is I had some insomniac bout going on the last few days that I killed off with booze yesterdy evening. I went a whole day [or longer not even sure] without eating anything yesterday, and I havent had much of anything today. I;m contemplating cooking something but I feel like crap.
  5. same shit different day.
  6. Didn't it evolve from all saints day or something? I mean the current traditions. Video was nothing but a weird rant..
  7. I was gonna say that's $88.18 for drugs. >
  8. Idk.. I once got arrested for calling someone an asshole. I also once had a mutual one night stand with an older black lady I had just met that actually turned out pretty good.. That's the craziest thing I've ever done sexually.
  9. I eat salsa made from Ghost peppers as an appetizer or snack alot. Still that shit is hot enough to do damage to your stomach lining in moderation.. so it is something to brag about.
  10. Aww Im so Jelly you fvcker. I've had a decent monitor here before 50+ '' Always more focused on buying cooler shit than a good monitor when I get extra cassh/ It's still makes things so much better if you have one though.
  11. I guess my dead language passwords should understandably give me problems if I'm buzzed enough. but damn, > Guess I'll leave this place to the T-Rex, I just want some good noms right now. Wghat I had planned to cook didn't really work out. S:
  12. I heard a theory proposed recently that black matter could've killed them off, but at this point it's only one of a million theories. at least there's observable evidence of the Chicxulub crater though. I think paleontologists are leaning towards both. Thinking that feathered dinasaurs at the time had evolved enough to survive.
  13. condolences.. Honor his name, and cherish your memories together. I hope that's the proper thing to say. I'm so groggy right now.
  14. Interesting, why is it that I hear about most current events here before anywhere else. never fails. http://www.statepress.com/article/2017/10/spscience-blackholes-collide
  15. It seems like I've explored this topic before, or I've atleast heard the question be asked. Scientists can't even say for sure what happens to regular mass that enters a blackhole. Though most agree ithe outcome can't be pretty.
  16. Havent heard that in forever.
  17. Make sure you pump your arms.
  18. It started raining as soon as I walked outside.
  19. I'm not drunk.. Just wondering if it's going to rain again today after yesterday's little monsoon. I'm not really trying to tell you anything.
  20. [youtube autoplay=1]
  21. The amount of decent free lance musicians that were active at one point in time. I think there's only two people left here that make their own music if you count me.
  22. Of course the humidity was so high earlier the mist was about as bad as rain... when I did a few cable disconnects.. I'm trying to be productive today though I need to get back on the road.. I'm still changing my oil today no matter what. I can't believe I went so long without doing that. S:
  23. Thursday's been alright to me so far.
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