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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. I havent even slept yet as usual.. and I'm somehow still thinking I'm gonna get one of these things.
  2. Yeah you arent wrong.. I'm just not to familaiar with alot of the sites, with good emulators. I found this though, and I've been having fun playing Kirby adventures on it. I don't think save/load states even work though. I've only played around with it a little bit, but it should be able to store it with cookies. http://emulator.online/nes/kirby-s-adventure/
  3. -_' I guess I'll see what you're on about then.
  4. sounds like a good horror flic. Any of you rich ass undersexed people have a sex doll malfunction let me know. I'll get on that ass..
  5. $300 dollars? This bundle is $89, and I hate managing game files for emulators.. I deal with many many beats that have to be compressed and unzipped as it is.. and as I mentioned (through sarcasm) in a previous post I feel sorry for nintendo. So I wanna buy it.
  6. The shirt has to match the shoes.. the shirt has to match the shoes.
  7. :barf:
  8. I've been playing the original snes.
  9. Nah.. I could show you some green. I need something more productive to work on now..
  10. no. I never liked that guys attitude..
  11. grats
  12. Ugggh.. I really hope there's not enough nerds here for that shit. My towns mostly cholo types so.. I'm going to try to be at gamestop a few hours early, but I'm not doing no black friday shit.
  13. I'm not buying it because it's compact. It has every snes game I'll want to play plus starfox 2. Starfox is one of the only franchises that I dedicate myslef to playing everything. Even though the graphics are laughable today, starfox for the snes supposedly 'pushed the system to it's limits' to give the feeling of actual flight. I have an aviation background as well as... I guess starfox is one of the only games capable of making me nerdgasm to sum it up. I've been playing the first one on my old SNES it's so bad. Ofcourse now days flight simulators and goat simulators are everywhere so I know meh..
  14. I know you're right naraku.. but I just want to be a good nintendo fan. I mean I love nintendo, and all this awesome new groundbreaking tech they're putting out since Iwata's death.. I couldn't live without it. you know.. To be honest the price just seems right, and I love the simplicity of retro games, but if I have to fight someone for the bullshit, or they are going to sell out in an hour fuck it.
  15. I was not prepared for this. [soundcloud] [/soundcloud]
  16. What happened in 07 now I'm curious. I believe I was but a wee lad enjoying the finer things in life.
  17. It's hard for me to focus inside a game stop anyway. I asked them like a week ago howthey thought the release would be.. Probably was too busy looking at shit to pay attention.
  18. damn, time is a bitch huh?
  19. I didn't see this thread I made a different one. Where I'm at the wheathers been bad, so I shouldn't have to worry about a nerd convention tomorrow hopefully. I really wish they would've done a midnight release for this shit because I didn't want to deal with this early bird gets the worm crap.
  20. work is work.. get that money. I'm certainly not liking having to sit on my ass because my job requires dry, atleast semi stable wheather to do. At this point I wouldn't mind having a solid 55 hour work week planned.
  21. Definitely a better man than I.
  22. I guess my friend just thought it was and I let him put that in my head. Anyway.. I don't see this being bad, but I wanna be prepared.. Gamestop will have it tommorow when they open up.
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