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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. I lliterally don't know how to feel right now. I mean.. My mom went to work.. balling... I treid to stop her or atleast let me drop her off, but she wouldn't let me, she just kinda got angry.. Hooray horrray... This cat lived a long happy life though... It's ok. |::
  2. Damn... That cat was alive for half of my childhood probably. She bleonged to my best friends family before they gave her to my mom. Sorry for posting this, but I just had to deal with my mom who called me and had me rush over there, I'd just got up like 10 minutes prior. I'm so sad.
  3. It's everyday honestly..
  4. K just make sure I can find where to donate though was my point. I saw a post saying you were going to go ahead and drop a link for it, and if you got enough you'd buy it.
  5. "PayPal cannot process this transaction because of a problem with the seller's website. Please contact the seller directly to resolve this problem."
  6. So just the donation button up top right? I take it there hasn't been much in way of donations anyway so no need to really get specific about the funds.. I'll donate my first dollar I guess, and try to convince myself to do more from there.. I need a friggin go fund me account myself probably so. |::
  7. Or just tell KN or something.. Just don't tell him it was me you know cuz unless I've sprouted a case of MPD Not me.
  8. Might need to report that shit. I've never been very keen on death threats. Especially on a place like this. I'm P. Stoned too by the way. >_>
  9. Wait wut. whut I'm pretty sure I've never threatened to kill anybody here let alone you.
  10. Oh well I mean that's interesting n all but it wasn't just you. The army tested me many times after that. and I now have free health care..
  11. I only had sex with nerdy ass chicks there.. Never got out of their house. No broken..haiman. |:: Why the fuck am I suddenly the target here anyway.
  12. In my experience it's only helped my chances. Maybe since all the states I've lived in were Southern U.S. aside from a very brief stay in Alaska. I only had sex there out of necessity to stay warm though.
  13. :barf: To get back on topic this is why my numbers are so low.. :-\
  14. 3-4 day weekends are one of the only things I miss about the army..
  15. Sounds like it would allow for a lot more features. I don't know much about forum software and applications, but I've read a lot of your posts detailing a bunch of ways the current format is hindering the potential for growth. Can't make any promises, but it sounds like a good logical next step, and maybe I too can donate for it. :fap:
  16. Also 00:29... What the fuck is wrong with you woman. "Well looks like he's got this better get back to work." *wipes down table with a smile on her face*
  17. Shoulda chose a better mask for sure.. That looks so ridiculous. Not sure it would've mattered though. I love seeing this kind of shit. Kudos to that man, maybe exmilitary or police judging just by how he handled himself.
  18. wait. VegetaFajita[/member]
  19. Yeah I've found several uses for it. :fap:
  20. What? no.. I meant I posted this vid somewhere and the post got liked.. I clicked it for whatever reason and got ear blasted with it.
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