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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. Never really thought much about forum...browsing methods.
  2. All I'm trying to say is it's probably more. I'm probaly the least sexually orientated person I know though so.. I forget some of those experiences probably a month or so after.
  3. I'm not really sure where you're going with this. What all counts anyway.
  4. Just like 3 or 4 I think... I don't really keep track or care though.
  5. I remember me and a friend used to always jam out to the bigger longer uncut soundtrack. My favorite was the rap version of 'Kyles mom is a big fat bitch'.
  6. that happened to me.. ir was pewdiepies sad music that I put on autoplay though so I deserved it. I should take it off... I will when I'm not feeling so lazy.
  7. It's all good.
  8. :barf:
  9. My first thought was there's probably plenty of women out there that might honestly appreciate that first comment. Then he starts beating a dead horse.. and the awkwardness ensues right? Definitely sounds familiar.
  10. wow I thought you were talking about unemployment just a few days ago.. Quick turn around I guess..
  11. Mario is a superstar though. He's been in everything. It'd only make since that he's been in a few gay pornos wheres he's had to shave his legs. well everything.
  12. [youtube autoplay=1]
  13. Oh god.. I. I fucking know nothing rhymes with Penguin anyway, but I needed a pick me up dammit. Please don't judge me. :cato
  14. Penguin drinkin' bleach son!
  15. I guess I mean that's where he's from right? I don't even know.. I wish I was asleep. Fuck pewdiepie.. he is pretty fucking stupid and inconsiderate to even get himself in a situation like that, but I mean. This shit is such old news... fuck let me find a meme somewhere to hopefully get this thread back on the right track. :::
  16. Shit man I'm so sorry. I think I did, I am a moron. Atleast I've finally come to that realization. I could've swore by context you were referring to the damn use of the n word 'ironocally' or otherwise, I guess I didn't really care enough to read your post in entirety, but since you said..and I quote "Don't try to pretend the context of who says it and why doesn't matter..I wont..that's why I posted the video. All these fucking sweet little SJW's hurt because he did a video trolling fivvr..Fvvvr...{don't care} He didn't even expect anybody to follow through with his requests and ofcourse one of the only ones that did were those indian dudes he paid to say "DEATH TO ALL JEWS". Because somehow these people can sign up for fiverr...and pronounce "subscribe to keemstar" I'm just done. I have never been subscribed to Pewdiepie, or really enjoyed any of his videos.. my point though. The context of the situation.. It's rich. He's rich and he was obviously using youtube to call out to all his alt right brothers and bleach the nation a fine mixture of blonde and white. The only way I can even comment on that situation is sarcastically I'm sorry. and I'm out. :fap:
  17. Ofcourse the context matters, but it's still just a fucking word; comparing someone that is famous for trying his hardest to be completely brainless and idiotic to an orginization that systematically destroyed probably half a generation of people is just too much.. I'm not even talking about the meme that I was sarcastically criticizing anymore since you wanna get all fucking stupidly fucking SJW on me... The mans done way stupider shit than saying the N word to do that anyway. here.. why not at least talk about what probably got him on swedens hate list, and provided the spark. fast foward to 11:15.. Those guys supposingly didn't even know english from what I've heard. but ofcourse...Kang Edward an' the PenguinBoss here are upset about.. the N word.
  18. I was hoping to post NUJABES-Just Forget, but it seems too many people on youtube have fucked around with the beat, and I can't find it on there.. Here's another Japanese DJ with a sound to maybe match though
  19. Yahtzee on a Nazi... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAH Come on man leave the pewds alone. I hate seeing everone acting like he's the only famous person to ever use that word to cause a commotion, white or otherwise.
  20. They are all so good though. ohno Why don't you guys just save them all for diff folders/later dates, and just put the winner up in free for all the 22nd? The dogs on phones seems like an old school Luvv banner I must say.
  21. ellen on a..in a... You sure Doom didn't get it. I don't even know what a fez is other than that guy from That 70's Show.
  22. cheers to that then. I doubt it'd last a third as long in mine.
  23. how would you say that one though? cross.. I don't get it.
  24. I am really trying..
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