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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. Google told me I'm a terrorist with a Brazilian buttsex kink.
  2. Nice. I had to pay in with one of my W2's not that it was a moneymaker.. contracting just gave me liberties I probably took advantage of upfront a lot...
  3. Technically Mexican isnt really..I'm not gonna go there. idk. Have you ever looked into your roots?
  4. Can I hold a nintendo DS?
  5. As long as you love them what do you have to proove?
  6. Ehh I guess this game is now for sale. I should've kept the reciept.
  7. I'd ask you how much you're working with, b enjoy it live a lil.
  8. Is the diss track going down now.. or what? I'm about to have to go..
  9. They stalk me man. I have the gift..
  10. Man I wasn't even trying to call your bluff you can do better..
  11. You have to explain hickeys at work?
  12. This one's a throwback. Now you're starting to recycle your threads more than the top tens I've been sifting through.
  13. Good man that's more than I care to do already.
  14. It's a drag, but nothing to complain about I guess. If I try and catch a nap I feel it will end up making me tired if that makes sense. No one here has a 10 minute youtube vid channel or anything for these kind of situations? My feed is screwed honestly..
  15. Who is Serpico? I welcome a challenge I guess?
  16. IT SA' ME.. PhilosipherStoned..
  17. So I don't need to get cable after all? Sweet. I'm still dissapointed there's not a diss track though.
  18. Just out of curiousity what he do or tweet about to get on the show. I thought Jimmy Kimmel did political satire? I don't often watch his show though so I probably get him confused with that other Jimmy all the time.
  19. Sun and moon were actually decent to me with a pretty enthralling story, but yeah that's the general feeling. I think I was expecting something more like the poken tournament game when I picked this up. I started following some gamers who were sounding pretty hopeful for pokemon on the switch, so I thought I'd check this one out. It has enough new perks to warrant a new game maybe.. but I'd already read it's not for "hardcore" fans anyway, So I'm not upset about the more gimmicky yellow version set up.. Which is really all it was meant to be.
  20. I think I had a roomate of sorts that liked his show.. Lol I was talking about the wrong one too wtf.
  21. I can eat a whole container of super spicy salsa with chips in a sitting if I'm not careful. Doesn't really bother me at least at this stage of my life, but I try to watch it.. I've started stepping up to ghost and reaper chiles recently with a lot of my spicy food.
  22. ayy it's god what's up buddy. viper? It seems I've joined the ranks of the "mentally unstable" Drinks on me.. If I I could do it on weekends.
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