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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. In all seriousness, it's probably this. Some people have zero brain cell activity when they go to a Con and meet any famous females [or famous dudes for that matter - William Shatner has had to deal with so many idiots who think they are the first to yell 'KHAAAANNNN' during a photoshoot, I'm surprised he hasn't become a hermit]. It only takes one person with no sense of boundaries to ruin someone's Con-sperience and then they are still expected to make all the appearance anyway. And some are just really shy in person unless they actually know you but they try to do the friendly thing anyway.
  2. That looks so gross on so many levels. Plus, the second I read 'Corky' I immediately thought of that kid from 'Life Goes On' .
  3. Considering how many things can and often are modded by others, could this just be one of those situations where the idea was to release the game one way and let the modding commence to see where it goes if it goes anywhere at all? That said, there are other dating games out there that don't seem to care about pigeonholing people if that's really your thing [i prefer hunting for the Triforce or stomping goombas flat myself ]. I can't remember the name of it exactly but I do remember that it used to be one of the games played / reviewed on 'Lunchtime Games' on the [as] streams. The idea is that you run a dating service and try to match people up. And the guest book consisted of straight, bi and gay without any reservations about things.
  4. I've got a huge bowl lined with strawberry wafers, center filled with mint ice cream and topped with whipped cream and mara-yummy cherries with Coke on the side. Let the party commence!
  5. They didn't have seatbelts back then because the dang vehicles would shake themselves to hell if they went over 30.
  6. Plug-in fail. Just post pics of kittens. It's Caturday and more entertaining.
  7. Maybe that's not Carl. Maybe that's Buddy's tribute pic of ProudAsian.
  8. The only possible reasons I can think of is maybe time so they can run 1 - 4, 6 & both halves of 7 and end everything well before midnight or they somehow think that Order of the Phoenix might encourage kids to stand up to authority figures even when those authority figures are very obviously in the wrong. It could be a combination of both - Freeform used to be ABC Family or something like that and they tended to air mostly family-friendly crap whenever possible. They changed the name in order to run more aggressive materials without people losing their hair over it. Yeah, there is something to be said about savoring a book. Although with the Harry Potter books, I always just seemed to fall into them and next thing you know the day is over and the book is done.
  9. I don't recall giving you permission to leave your crate or start yapping. I think onions are gross and taste horrible but that doesn't mean I won't pass on the info regarding their health benefits to others.
  10. Meh, she shouldn't have had issues with extra onions as long as you weren't going to stand there and breath on her after each bite. Onions have antibiotic properties and red onions have a natural blood thinning effect which can help keep killer clots from forming or at least from getting bigger, especially in heftier people who might be susceptible to leg clots caused by sitting around too much.
  11. Man, I really should do this too. It's been so long since I did a complete read-through of the whole series in a single go and they used to be my brain candy books for between serious type reads. And that goes for rewatching the movies too. Every time there's a marathon of them on Freeform, they always skip 'Order of the Phoenix' . That gets irritating fast.
  12. I've never had issues with getting how much or how little of any given item I want at Subway. Among all the toppings that end up on my sammich, I specify just a little lettuce [because they use iceburg and I'm mildly allergic to iceburg] and extra pickles [because frickin' love dill pickles] and they do just that every time. Never gotten grief for any of it.
  13. Last I heard [although this is still awhile ago], he was working at Techwood and while he still has individual friends at [as], he had pretty much severed connections with [as].
  14. Swim.Com , fall of 2011
  15. Any age average for this place is going to be super weird. Some of us may or may not remember when dirt was invented and then there's zeni whose mental age is in the minus category.
  16. Cracky was moving to Georgia just before the boards turned to utter sewer. Perseus was pursuing a career in either beer belly male modeling or just roofing shirtless in Washington state so he could tan his nips in the land of apples. ???
  17. It actually isn't all that bad. My system decided it was food when I tried it but it's so retardedly expensive. At that rate, I'm better off going to DQ for their take on a mushroom and swiss.
  18. And I added you to my shit list of people I don't click links from in Tiny Chat. Rampager had a tendency to link pictures of crotches. : o
  19. I am groot.
  20. First name is 'katt' spelled that way because spelling is for suckers. And the 'goddess' part was because I got sick of people thinking I was a dude on the old BBS rooms I used to haunt. After that, they started thinking I was a gay dude on the old BBS rooms who was in touch with his inner diva. Whenever possible, I've kept the 'katt_goddess' name for things just to keep things simple.
  21. On sale somewhere.
  22. I would totally replace my blood with that. But not with Halo Top ice cream as the center - that stuff only comes in the low fat variety I think and usually when it's ice cream and claiming 'low fat' it means it's going to have a weird after taste at some point and then turn into a raging colonic. With all that blue sugar, you'll fart-splatter neon green everywhere. >
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