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Everything posted by NSAID

  1. Middle school classic
  2. My only two definite days off work, regardless of what day of the week they fall on. Not sure how to feel about the fact that feeling somewhat above average for me lately could tank my usual plans for those days. Might have to make a point to contact some type of family member b4 getting too fucked up idk it's all too new! Parades are still weird.
  3. Listen, I am so into creating new belief and worship systems for the hell of it, to the point where I cant get into that right now, but the jokes have to be built in to the statements themselves, not something separate
  4. what you listen to when you're having a feeling, possibly to feel worse idk what you do
  5. I wish I wasn't broke when my local kmart was selling off their own shelves and whatever else. Maybe I could have gotten an industrial popcorn maker that smelled like someone died operating it, i'll never know
  6. Andrew. Try working with one and you'll see
  7. I get woken up one day by my best friend's sister at some ungodly hour like 2PM, been in the state a few days, me and the BFF haven't finished moving in to our place yet so we were over there doing whatever. Apparently two of her sister's friends bailed on their concert plans that afternoon and while I was slumbering unaware I was brought in to be back up bc my bro had given in and had agreed to go. Out door thing, first time I realized that for a few years in that state it was harder to avoid Papa roach than anything. Seether was there. I wanna say buck cherry bc I remember someone buying a shirt there, and sublime with Rome who I have since, inadvertently, been in the surrounding areas where they were playing like two more times. After like ten minutes me and the bro leave to hang out on the grassy area outside of the concert area where everyone was just bumming cigarettes back and forth basically. I remember some guy as we left who looked pretty close to passing out bc he told me "I have a cat..... But he's not here" and his friend told him to settle down in tone that tells me that guy was used to this other guy doing that. And the sister lost my Hoodie which I just remembered....but she might have replaced it after idk it was a long ass time ago.
  8. Was this bc of all the cruncyroll ads
  9. I once lived in a trailer and actually a house before that, that came with its own crucifixes and it didn't make me feel any more relaxed, and I mostly forgot they were there until looking. Not sure any other talisman would have done the trick. Seems easier and more fun to get a cat for the vague heart health benefits
  10. yes, this, but everything, I've already had enough nail infections as a kid to make sure for everyone else
  11. I like the concept. Seltzer with alcohol. but never feel like I have the time or money too spend on it when hard cider is the tried and true Just Goofin' drink
  12. Like your wallet, phone, cards, or whatever. Does it happen a lot. Do you go back for it or just say fuck it. The other week where I work someone managed to drop their card into a drink urn and never came back for it. It was just dead to them. We'll have all kinds of stuff like wallets with like people's social security cards and school IDs n shit locked in the office for months without ever getting a call about it or anything. But people who lost shit we definitely do not have will come back and say they're sure they left something here and try to insist it must be there until they're told to go away. I've yet to lose anything like that bc I gotta check everything I have like half a dozen times before and after I do stuff. I still almost lost my ID once at a concert but would have noticed halfway down the block if my friend hadn't seen it first
  13. Sometimes I open my middle-high school era email I use for stuff like newsletters or finding some really old account info or w/e and get freaked out how many emails I will never open no matter what I tell myself are there *keeps signing up for more*
  14. Yes. This reflects my youtube recommendations.
  15. My family had a store in a mall for a little while and it happened to overlap with christmas time which has scarred me to this day
  16. I had surgery for a hernia when I was like six or seven and I still remember the sensation of waking up right afterward, and the next closest thing after that would probably be when I partially dislocated my knee (way worse than the times I did my shoulder as a kid bc u walk on it).
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