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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Well, there are actually two of them. But assuming that both are 2.5 hours long, they could feasibly play them both in the same night with just one slot expansion.
  2. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid #8 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Momentary - Creator's Commentary" BanG Dream! #7 Birdy the Mighty: Decode #4
  3. I'd be nice if people who made wide-sweeping assumptions had the data to back it up. :fap: I don't really enjoy One Piece anymore, but it has less to do with the quality of the show and more with the fact I've watched enough episodes to make it feel like a slog regardless of show composition.
  4. Yeah... why not. Have it just be a recap of the entire series, like Love Live! Sunshine!!, but even more gratuitous.
  5. Well... kind of. I'd only be dancing if they took off it and Naruto: Shippuden and replaced them with Log Horizon and sweets.
  6. I was wondering about that as well. Unless they're actually removing a show to add a new one, I can't see why it would be blank. Of course, it could also be nothing and just a glitch, but since I'm someone who craves new experiences, I'm hoping for... at least something.
  7. Well, we know how much effort isn't put into the marathon stream, so I guess it's not surprising. S:
  8. Out of something resembling boredom, I did check this week's Pre-Flight to see if there was anything notable, and... well, there were discussions about the Cowboy Bebop movie and the best movies of the Universal Solider franchise, as well as another fucking animated music video a Toonami trailer for Sand Whale and Me. And as for the latter, I can't say that I ever knew what to expect out of it, but I probably wouldn't have anticipated... that. Trust me: You'll know when you see it.
  9. But how can they continue if our heroes haven't even arrived there yet?
  10. I guess it's a 'nother filler arc, but judging by what I've heard, it ain't too long.
  11. Birdy the Mighty: Decode | Cipher 3... ~View of Life~
  12. I guess the jump in episode numbers works in the unlikely case where Genndy gets some more ideas and wants to return to the series for a bit.
  13. As the good Joestar said on this week's installment: Niiiiice. Hopefully that show can get over a million again at least once before the end of its current season.
  14. For the Toonami broadcast, it's a'ight. I still like Battle of Gods more than this show's adaptation of it, but at least it's kind enough to have it be different at some points.
  15. Eh... this could just be another instance of them flaunting them while they have it. And wouldn't a dedicated stream like the one for Samurai Jack work better for catching people up to the new season? After all, they'll probably fit that last SAO II marathon in before those rights expire
  16. I wasn't watching the Oscars at the time, but after that gaffe happened live on the air and I heard about it on the Tweeterz, I kinda wished I was still tuned in. Leave it to the Academy to make the most notorious moment from this year's ceremonies have nothing to do with politics. -_'
  17. Oh, screw off. :blank:
  18. From the sounds of it, the charm is subjective, and you don't happen to align with what other people think makes this series fun. And that's perfectly okay.
  19. I barely even listened to it. For the most part, I just wish we had more music videos that didn't rely on trippy visuals as a selling point, like the video from Royal Crown featuring the guy beheading convenience store mascots. That one was an all-timer. As for this week... I enjoyed both Dragon Balls. The scene with the punching machine in KFC was funny. I bet the people in charge probably thought about straight up cancelling the tournament when Vegeta broke the machine, and they probably would have if he had broken it using a modicum of less effort. JoJo's was fun, as were Gundam and Hunter. I wish I had remembered to make a comment for last week about how the butler in that mansion place looked like an evil Hayakawa, but even now, he still is. And I wish he had gotten just a little bit more exposure.
  20. Yeah. But I guess that's Togashi's way of being subversive. I can't wait to visit the city's notable landmarks: The Tradeworld Center, and Keeyank Stadium.
  21. So it took until the last few minutes of the episode for us to actually get to the part with Greed Island. Heh. Also, this guy owns a messenger bird?
  22. Birdy the Mighty: Decode #3 Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid #7 BanG Dream! #6 [just enough every day now]
  23. Some large lilly pads But no frogs to think about Log Horizon, yes.
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