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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. It's interesting to me that you think I asked the question to gauge views on authority or crime or innocence. It's just an expression of a notion. One that I have come to acquire through a long and arduous process. I do however love to see the difference of interpretations on the matter. Perhaps this is why Jesus told parables, and didn't give many answers.
  2. Ok, well thanks for all participating. I was just curious to see how many of you came to the same conclusion that I already know first hand. The most dangerous man is always the one that has nothing to lose, and more dangerous is the one that has had everything and then has nothing. That's my perspective.
  3. You could say I'm like a sex machine..... 8)
  4. I like how you just said the Judge.
  5. From magical to boring. It's like the grief that comes after leaving Disney Land.
  6. Well, I have to hate him now, cause flat earth theory is one of my things which I simply can not tolerate.
  7. I'm more worried about the children to be honest. But not because they are physically in danger.
  8. You should try being a dude.... dude's don't have periods.
  9. Depends on which me you are referring to.
  10. There are 5 people in a room, they consist of. The first is a man who has just lost his wife and child. The second is a District Atourney. The third is a man convicted of kidnapping, raping, torturing, and eventually killing the first man's wife and child. The fourth is the convicted man's defense lawyer. The last is a prison guard. Which man do you think is mostly likely to kill someone else in the room?
  11. Real hackers don't talk about how they are hackers, unless they are being made to as part of a plea deal. Because most real hackers are doing shit that falls into one of two categories: 1. Highly illegal, 2. Highly gonna piss someone off that has alot of resources.
  12. Every day, also there is "why am I still alive", "why is my arm numb", "why is that light flickering", "why am I listening to this? I'm pretty sure I didn't put this on my spotify play list"
  13. Does it involve full latex body suits with no breathing holes?
  14. Girl, do you live on a military base? Cause you sure do know your way around grenade launchers.
  15. Hanging at his house for a bit with some nerdy types.... there was a long heated discussion about which characters should be in the coming Avenger's Infinity Wars movies. Anyways, during the conversation at some point one of my buddies said something to the effect of ".... I'm not sure where I was going with this". I proceeded to point to the front door, and when he asked me why I was pointing to the door my reply was, "you were going with it out there, because I am not in the mood for colloquial phrases atm." And then I just thought to myself.... "wow you really need to stop being so sassy, or at least if you are going to be sassy you should probably be sassy in ways that make more sense". Wtf is wrong with me? ---Story time with Sandy aka my life is very boring and my brain is strange.
  16. I wear headphones alot... because I am part computer.... actually all computer.... I've fooled all of you all along. I'm still gay though, wrap your cord around that.
  17. Sandstone


    I bet you can have a pet gay there though.
  18. Who thought to themselves "EEEEEEEEW NO WAY", and then "click, let's see what that disgusting fat pig looks like", and then "yeah that's about what I thought she'd look like"
  19. Sandstone


    Monkey's have been known to rip their owner's faces off.... on more than one occasion... I like my face.
  20. Don't worry, I didn't get my gay from Kidney, that was someone else.
  21. I mean.... you're a pimp some days, I can see how the mistake might be made. No worries mate, there are plenty of things much worse that people could be gossiping about.
  22. I'm not sure how accurate that is... or that just anyone can do it without having some sort of middle man.... I mean if that were true, there'd probably be a bunch of dead hookers around zeni's house, buried in the yard.
  23. First of all, you probably need to be a mildly attractive young drug addict who was probably forced to leave home by abusive parents.... that or an import from russia via the mob.
  24. Not just no, but hell no.
  25. That sounds like it would be awful... and smell awful. The oily feeling alone would drive me nuts, not to mention the stench of raw fucking garlic. I mean I love garlic, but it's extremely pungent in raw oil form with nothing added.
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