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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. A large portion of the planet is that these days, yet they still manage.
  2. Why is she getting in trouble?
  3. I popped in, no one seemed to be there.
  4. Who uses that phrase these days?
  5. Juvenile? Deadpool is far from Juvenile, there is a great difference between being an eccentric person with serious emotional issues being tortured into insanity and being juvenile.
  6. I thought the movie was pretty forced in several major aspects. It drew on several original comic book related story lines in a bizarre matchup, with other plot elements that to be honest didn't make alot of sense. I had the whole feeling that the movie was made as an excuse to end Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart's portrayals of X-men characters. Though it was intended to do just that, the feeling that I was watching a forced story line in order to explain the deaths of professor x and wolverine was just heavily on my mind. That is not really how a good film should be written, it should start with an actual plot premise other than a goal to get rid of a character and then work supporting details in. The adamantium bullet was just... stupid, and never appeared in the comics. Nor was wolverine ever cloned, and for several very good reasons. The only saving grace the movie had was the kid who played Laura, which I thought did a fantastic job of portraying X-23 (the weapon x character Laura is based on), and perhaps the end scene which was the "funeral" of wolverine. While it was emotional and well done, two well done aspects do not make for a good or even decent story line. It is just another entertaining piece in my mind, I don't know why everyone is bandwagoning the "It's a masterpiece film" notion.
  7. Your zanpakuto has a strange ability.
  8. That takes all the fun out of Chinese finger trapping your legs into tight velour whilest sexily sauntering in high heels.
  9. And only filled them with pictures of obese people bumping ugly blubs? I think it'd be pretty ironic, considering they are supposedly spying on the fattest most disgusting country on earth amirite? ;D
  10. You're right, now if only I could find a dress that fit me like a glove before my next performance.
  11. You know what I find distasteful about most internet trolls? It's not that they are taking advantage of weaker people, it's that they don't have the ability or skill to take on the strong instead. In terms of predatory instinct you'd be something akin to a weasel, gorging oneself on chicken eggs.
  12. How about picking fights and bragging on internet message boards about manipulating people makes you a try hard at being a bad boy?
  13. I mean, I always did hate myself for sounding like Celine Dion. I suppose I can accept that.
  14. This might be the thing that finally gets you arrested for stalking. I'd say go for it.
  15. Most people think Celine Dion performed "My Heart Will Go On" for the 1997 blockbuster Titanic. Well it was actually me, sorry folks.
  16. Everything about me is kinky. Even my musical tastes.... >__>
  17. Vast majority of people have always been this way, it's why we have large amounts of chemicals put into our water and food to help with tooth decay and malnutrition.
  18. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the fact that someone would refer to the election as lit af, is probably why it was not lit af.
  19. Yes well, it's probably not a reason I should be comfortable with.
  20. I wish I could upvote this 1000 times.
  21. American's love nostalgia, it was one of the first big animes to ever hit decent ratings on American TV. It is basically the quintessential anime that most people that think of anime in the US associate with the genre (that and pokemon or sailor moon). That is because most Americans simply don't watch or like most animes. I know plenty of people like this, they watched dbz or like inuyasha or naruto and that is it. They never watched anything else, nor do they care to, because it's just no their thing. So to answer your question more simply, yes probably unless general attitudes and conceptions of the media form change drastically.
  22. It's the same reason Big Bang Theory is on still on like five different channels for hours each night. Americans like mind numbing repetitive cliche crap. There is no great mystery, just an average bad taste in things.
  23. It just brings me great pleasure. Because, I am a demon..... and everyone knows demons are mean what with the constant goat sacrifice and head spinning. Anyways, someone should probably do an intervention for said meanness at some point, just please don't bring Dr. Phil or MTV.
  24. Of course, I'm a leprechaun after all. Want to see my pot o gold?
  25. Alright, well can we get some samples? I'm sure we could identify the cause of said Jalepeno shits given time and a bit of information.
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