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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. This is quite honestly the greatest marketing scheme I have ever seen. It is both hilarious and oddly tasty looking.
  2. That's some serious effort to avoid having to touch it. ;P
  3. If it's any consolation Buddy, I would personally be honored if you called me "my faggot", also don't be surprised if I'm also a little turned on.
  4. Is this like a "buyers be ware" sort of deal?
  5. Well I mean we can't ever please everyone with our use of language. To be honest these days I find the use of youth slang to be more annoying than I do pejoratives. I'm not going to justify my language, because I don't feel I have to. Just as I don't feel I have to justify the use of Faggot, Cunt, or any other trigger word offensive term people have. They are just words to me, and while I do understand that many of them carry history of serious prejudice and discriminatory (even violent) behavior in different historical eras, I just don't believe at this point in my life that it is worth fretting over the parsing of such language. I personally believe intent behind actions and words is the only important thing about their usage. This was just a playful joke on my part during a moment of being silly, nothing more nothing less.
  6. But wouldn't it more of "it's just personally disgusting to me", rather than a homosexual behavior? I mean if she is actually biologically female but just happens to be intersexed then I'm not sure how you could justify calling it gay. Unless of course you just mean gay in the more general sense of "icky".
  7. But seriously though, that's very open minded of you. I think there are plenty of others that would have some serious internal conflicts with this type of scenario. Intersex people are a bit difficult to explain away by even the most staunch anti-gay individual.
  8. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
  9. I'm laughing so hard right now cause I literally just made this thread so I could say that. <3
  10. Let's assume you are dating a girl, you really like this girl and she's pretty (at least to you). After several dates she decides to get sexual. You go back to your place, she's getting naked, you're getting naked. And suddenly you realize, she has both a penis and a vagina (of sorts). While this is pretty rare (even for an intersex person) it is not totally unheard of. Assuming you didn't pass out, or run out of the room screaming like a little boy, do you think you would consider it gay to suck her cock (the intersexed girl that you like, and who was born this way biologically)?
  11. Ok, that's a bit of a disturbing analogy. You probably need to go see someone if that is how you really feel about that.
  12. Come to think of it, the frequency with which you say inb4mochi makes me wonder if you are doing the sex announcement equivalent of "first" on youtube videos. Like some very rudimentary marking of territory that is both obscene and no one else probably cares about (except probably bouvre's boyfriend/partner, unless they are into that sort of thing). Sandstone likes to over-analyze things other people don't think about (cause he's an idiot, ocd, and gay)
  13. Does this mean you go into Bouvre before Mochi? Or into the thread?
  14. I know, didn't you see Project Runway?
  15. I actually seriously debated whether I should be cliche and comment on the ugliness of the boots, but in the end my personal sensibilities to bad aesthetics won out. The sacrifices we make for the truth of beauty.
  16. Your mind is lickable.
  17. Did you pee in the pool? Is that what you're really trying to tell us?
  18. I'd probably kill myself if I had to see those ugly ass boots on that poor confused sailor scout every day.
  19. Sandstone


    I would seriously freak the fuck out if I had that thing on my head. It would feel so smothering....
  20. As implausible as this scenario is, and as unpleasant as the thought may be, I'd have to say yes. Minor mental scarring is worth saving the life of someone I love.
  21. Sandstone


    Do you enjoy reading? I'm working on a story, I was intending on posting here when its finished.
  22. Yes well so is dieing of melanoma, try a different product. Also, that is a really cute icon....
  23. That doesn't mean you can't get skin cancer. Don't be reckless
  24. I admire this.
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