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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. That cat is filibustering your sheets.
  2. Tailspin, all the way.
  3. Cross fingers not cyanide.
  4. Yes well, I'm sure there are people that don't like that you're going to be teaching children, we don't always get what we want.
  5. Who drinks sarsaparilla?
  6. Well this certainly won't end in drama.
  7. God, I love you.
  8. He does that?
  9. Medium well please.
  10. Steak dinner? ;D
  11. You saw someone fucking their dog in an alleyway? What is this world coming too....
  12. I'll replace your car battery.
  13. Well I mean it's very odd... even by animes about aliens standards. A few examples of why this show is so bizarre, spoilers below:
  14. You should apply for a job at OKC, considering how much time you spend there.
  15. It's a good way to get clawed.
  16. His penis can morph into other penises?
  17. Excuse me while I go throw up and kill myself at the same time. Where is my bleach.....
  19. He just wants a wiff of their panties... that's all.
  20. Gen Y, more commonly known as Millennials are generally considered to be early 1980s to early 2000s, the exact years vary between sources however this is the generally accepted rule of thumb. Zeni would indeed be referring to the Generation Z, iGeneration, Plural Generation (or whatever else they are calling it these days), which are generally considered to be the current 16 yr old and younger crowd.
  21. Get a lenovo, they are better quality for price.
  22. I have to admit... I laughed pretty hard at that scene. Caught me totally off guard, which is unusual for me.
  23. No? Why would you need to do something like that?
  24. It makes me wonder how many among us actually have a fetish for a live octopus being squeezed from a vagina.
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