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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. I will not go into greater elaboration on this topic, however I thought it might be pertinent to explain my pseudo-disappearance from here. I have been rather medically ill. As such, I may disappear and reappear somewhat irregularly going forward. This is most likely not a cause for alarm (if you are one of those that do care about me).
  2. I never forget anything, my mind is like a library, the shelves just move every so often.
  3. Sandstone

    Gay Swans

    There are tons of different species that have shown homosexual behaviors, including pair bonding and mating. I'm not sure if you were just stating something here or what?
  4. I am watching it, it's also not really a season 2. It's more of an anime correction. It is actually created by the original author and not anime filler that makes no sense. It's also only a single arc, that doesn't really make a second season.
  5. What little girl are we talking about? Why would I subscribe to them, I'm not really interested in young children or videos they make.
  6. I do, but I've barely played. I think you were already aware of that though.
  7. Is it a full moon or did everyone forget to fap for the past couple of days? Anyways, I'm going to bed, my new medication for sleep deprivation is a dissolvable quick absorb and makes me dizzy as fuck.
  8. You're having delusions of grandeur my friend. You can always look up local therapists, there are some that will treat for free or have reduced pay programs if you lack insurance. If you have insurance or are on Medicaid then you should be fine as they generally both cover them at little or no co-pay.
  9. I actually felt nervous for the cat, and it wasn't even my tale in danger. Also cats apparently know no fear, that's why get stuck in weird places all the time. Something tells me Rogue is actually a cat based on this observation.
  10. Please, have some respect for yourself girl. You don't need to respond to character attacks by adding more fuel to the fire. Just carry yourself with a bit more dignity in the future and more people will be more supportive and at least less unhinged in dealing with you. That also probably means that we really don't need to hear every single thing you do sexually, it gets old and it makes you look like someone that's sloppy and whorish. You don't need to do that to get attention, men, respect, or success. You are a good person, now show yourself that you are.
  11. Oh My God
  12. That's racist.
  13. Are you practicing, I forget if you don't eat pork or whatever.
  14. Is it because you bring home the bacon?
  15. Always the strategist. You are truly a shrewd calculating fellow. I respect that.
  16. Also, don't ever think just because you're fat that you're ugly. You look pretty and beautiful in that pic, just my honest opinion. You have a nice face and curves, you can lose weight you can't really change the base canvas without doing some plastic surgery though, which you don't need. Keep that in mind.
  17. I'm not saying bald, however I can see your point. I dunno how it would personally look hard to picture. But it's just an idea. You aren't that fat btw, not from what I see there. I'd say you're in the overweight range for sure, I tend to think of fat as more of the heavily obese category but not everyone sees it that way. I need to work out again now that I think about it, it's so hard to find the energy to do even simple things some times.
  18. Have you ever considered short cropped hair before? I think it could look nice on you potentially actually. I kind of like that look, makes a woman look fierce.
  19. One of the greatest lines in all of cinematic history. It's right up there with "You're taring me apart Lisa".
  20. Is it bad that I imagined this post in the voice of George Takei?
  21. Dude fights are like the new girl fights.... only less manly.
  22. Something about old blues singers are just beautiful and make me happy inside.
  23. I hadn't even thought about viewing from mobile. I might in the future if it wasn't a hassle though.
  24. I don't actually think he has a job in the first place to be honest.
  25. Pretty girl, just need to figure out something to do with that hair.
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