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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. I always turn my phone on silent or vibrate when at home, period. I don't care if you're upset that I'm not responding to you instantly, I don't bother to be bothered by a shit ton of people that want to talk to me about mundane things all at once.
  2. You've gotten boring. Which is probably the worst thing I could have said about you.
  3. I eat dick crust first..... no wait that's pizza hut. nvm
  4. They were way cooler about the situation than what I had anticipated. The real shame is that they weren't out and available for something actually criminal. I dunno why people think this is a cute thing to do.
  5. What type of scare are we talking about here? Because there are really two major types of fear, the instantaneous (shocking) variety, and the arguably more intense existential (dread) variety. If you are talking about instantaneous then I'd have to say it would be probably Sinister 2 or REC. If you are talking about existential then most definitely Martyrs. I've never felt more "on edge" in a terrified sort of way than when watching that film, and I have watched alot of horror movies.
  6. And the things that Clive Barker do. Thoughts?
  7. Uninterested, and not just because I'm gay, but because she portrayed a character I read about when I was 10.... the whole thing just feels icky. I tried the Daniel Radcliffe nudes a while back, I still feel icky and his at least had male genitals.
  8. It doesn't matter, you're always the one I keep coming back to baby.
  9. Sandstone


    What kind of platform is the site running on? I could probably help if you help is still needed. This type of thing is generally my forte, and what is not my forte I make my forte.... I'll admit I was just looking for a thread I could say forte in....
  10. I can't, I grunt like a cave man when I'm in the midst of love making. It's deep and gutteral. It's how I win over all the boys.
  11. Just one of the many reasons I don't spend time with bitches.
  12. Oh well, that would explain it, I haven't read the One Punch Man manga. >
  13. Also, I don't think anyone that would make such a detailed lampoon of everything else prevalent in modern shonen anime, would then also throw in a caricature of a gay person in the same exact fashion as is represented by the types of anime it is meant to make fun of (and then actually believe whole heartedly that that depiction is realistic). That wouldn't make any sense to me. I think it is what it tries to be, a light hearted poke at over the top repeat themes driven home by most shonens airing in today's market. I don't think he thinks gay people are actually like that, just like I don't think he thinks you have to work out for 6 months to become the strongest man in the universe, or that a cyborg boy can survive being crushed to a pulp like 10 billion times and still live lol.
  14. What other gay character? It must have been someone that wasn't even that important cause I don't remember....
  15. I actually liked It was nice getting to see such a good hearted character that just happened to be gay be able to play the hero. If there was ever an anime character that deserved it'd probably be him. I don't often speculate about the sexual preferences of anime characters, as I find it to be a waste of time, but in this instance I could not help but
  16. I think the reason I find PPP to be funny is probably akin to why alot of my black friends in highschool found Chappele Show and Boondock's to be hilarious when I was in highschool. Not because it's an accurate representation or even that the character is loveable, rather it is that it is a lampoon of caricatures. It is basically a more comfortable way for people to recognize that such stereotypes exist, are extremely ridiculous and even comical, while not having to directly engage in the actual conversation about such things. Let's face it, talking about such things is a bit of a buzz kill and when you're trying to relax and be entertained, you're not exactly looking for a deep and meaningful dialogue on the sad state of nature that is prejudice against minorities. I look at it as a form of acceptance, in that it is something they know is obviously ludicrous and that they know I know is obviously ludicrous so we can have a good time laughing together instead of hating eachother, and/or feeling extremely awkward and uncomfortable having to broach the subject constantly.
  17. Bulaut is one of my favorite gay characters in any anime ever. Mainly because they don't focus on him being gay, it's just a part of his character and a small piece of the backstory. Not to mention he's a very loveable and badass character for other reasons. I am kind of surprised they aired that, well they aren't as bad as I thought they were then. I'd be really interested in seeing them pick up Terraformars and Drifters at some point. Gantz is one of my absolute favorite horror animes, but it's probably too old for them to consider and/or too weird.
  18. I didn't like the character, I thought he (the concept) was hilarious and ridiculously over the top.... like full mania type of over the top. There is a big difference for me with finding something funny and liking the thing I find funny (in the traditional sense).... as odd as that may sound.
  19. Also, considering that AS started way back in the day with some very bizarre and violent animes (though they were all very good compared to what is being aired these days), such as Wolf's Rain and Blue Gender, I'd expect to see them signing up more animes such as Terraformars, Gantz, and Drifters
  20. I think I might actually tune in again or at least try to, if they were to try to pick something up like Akame ga Kill. I'm not even sure if there is a dub of it though, so I kind of doubt they'd ever touch it. For supposedly gearing itself towards teans and young adults in terms of demographic, I'm really surprised they try to get stuff that's way more violent or at least has some more depth to it. I personally love HxH and One Piece, there is alot of nuanced meaning and depth in those shows beyond just the normal "I must get stronger because I need to protect people" plot. Don't get me wrong there is plenty of that, but there are also other central themes present that aren't in alot of other shonen animes (I'm looking at you Naruto). That said, the problem with those is that they aren't eccentric or edgy enough, even in any one aspect in regards to what today's youth likes. They are also far to long for the average anime viewer's attention span to handle and while I personally love and even prefer long winding tails that build up to an intricate epic, most people seem to prefer a shorter story with concise well focused aspects in one or two areas. At least that's the general impression I get talk to other anime viewers. Basically it boils down to the notion of it takes too long for the kind of gradual pay off of intensity and intricacy that tends to be metered out when dealing with epic length animes. Too much of an investment when most just want to be entertained and told a good story.
  21. I would hope so, it was originally intended as a lampoon of most modern Shonen anime. The whole reason the powers are acquired by worn garments that look like something from the cover of a hentai should make that obvious. Never the less, it's still a great show, I wouldn't call it so much edgy as I would true to it's original intent with nice art and amazing action scenes. It manages to drive home a concise point while still being very entertaining.
  22. Honestly, I can't say that I'm surprised. The core fandom of One Piece are long long time viewers that have been watching since childhood or adolescence. Funnily enough though I'm the opposite, I didn't even want to so much look at a One Piece episode for many years since first seeing how awful the 4kids dub was with my own eyes. And that was BEFORE I knew it was heavily edited from the original, I only started watching it several years ago. I still can't stand any American voice actors for Luffy or Sanji though, and so I can never watch the dubs. Sanji's Japanese rendition is imo one of the best performed male voices in any shonen, at least the ones I've seen and I've seen too many to count at this point. @__@
  23. It has several qualities that are rather rare in most childhood targeted American cartoons. Such as the pretty selective use of dialogue, use of surrealist imagery, a rather unique art style, and the action scenes are easily some of the best ever in any modern western cartoon. These are qualities only really seen in cartoons made in the early to mid 90s (normally speaking). Of course I don't watch much American animation these days, so who knows maybe they have finally stopped pooping out colors on paper and finally returned to substance combined with decent art.
  24. That's a shame... if I'm not mistaken that's one of the more interesting story arcs (imo). Why did they axe One Piece again? I mean I understand if it was just a length vs. cost efficiency thing... it's one of the longest shonens in history. Either way, I'd say just watch on Funimation.... they do a great job of simulcasting for free on a regular basis. One Piece is definitely what I refer to as an investment anime, which usually are either long or have the general understanding that follow up series are coming after to fill in the whole story. As it is, that investment is really paying off for me personally, I feel as though the show is finally revealing some of the more intricate and overarching answers that have been eluded to for many years but never fully explored.
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