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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. I have big hands and fingers and my phone is not small but not that big either lol.
  2. Little stinker gets excited and yelps at me occassionally while we are playing. It's so cute, but I think we are entering the rebellious phase, lmao. :D
  3. Sorry for all the shitty typos right now... I'm posting from my phone. This forum could really use a mobile site. I am enterrain ingredients the dog and can't sit at my desktop lol. Who is even administering and developing the site now that Viper left?
  4. Sandstone

    Dear Still Me

    Wait what? She's threatening to report her as an unfit mother? Why??? That seems a bit extreme, this post does as well. I think every one should take a deep breath here... I'm gonna stay out of this though, since I don't know much about the situation. You might should have this deleted and PM her instead to mediate a resolution though...
  5. Is that actually a thing?
  6. I know. Why would I assume otherwise. I don't take most disagreements personally. It's a pretty unusual trait thesee days. More people should try it.
  7. I got my copy in the 90s, packaged with the SNES. It's a great game. Some of the levels are really well made and fairly difficult I terms of platformers go. I still prefee Mega man for my platforms though.
  8. mochi[/member] You should read my second post above, it explains what I said in greater detail. Its fine if we don't agree though.
  9. I'll just add, that he is a bit annoying in that he has very little social awareness and is pretty abrasive for no real reason when talking to people. But this is pretty common among eccentric figures that are picked up by the media, so I can't hold that against him too much. It's definitely not an attractive personality trait though.
  10. I'd take his dick if I could be his husbandu, I mean.... he's super fucking rich. That said, he's not really my type of fella personality or looks wise. I do have some modicum of respect for him though, unlike alot of people that run businesses in the pharmaceutical industry he was willing to invest in the development of drugs to treat rare diseases and didn't raise prices on drugs that people would have to pay for out of pocket. Which by comparison is pretty good compared to the price gouging of medications which are not completely covered by insurance companies and which millions of people actually take for treatment. While 750 dollars is a seemingly large increase in the cost of a drug from 13 dollars, from a business standpoint he made the right decision because it is not financially viable to produce a product for a major net deficit that only a few thousand people actually take each year. If you watch any of the interviews with the guy made to reporters one on one, he explains his reasoning in detail. The company would not be able to continue to make the drug at a huge net loss indefinitely. Not to mention he actively invested in the development of drugs that other companies wouldn't normally research because there is little profit in doing so (very few people actually have the illnesses). It is entirely likely had he not bought the drug one of two things would have happened, a larger company would have raised the prices even more, or they would have discontinued the drug altogether. I initially had a very negative opinion on the guy having just seen a few stories about the guy on cable news and a couple of online newspapers. I found it relevant to me as I am gay and at a higher risk of contracting HIV as a result, so I make a point of keeping up to date with anything related to the disease. For instance, I posted a while back on the ASMB before it was dismantled about experimental treatments using gene-splicing techniques to treat HIV and a number of other materials. The point is this is not something I just randomly chose to look into because of a perceived political bias. Then I began looking for actual interviews from the guy, and found several including some on air in which he outlines his reasoning in great detail for raising the price of the drug. I don't form opinions of people or news based off initial impressions, I always reserve judgment of something or someone that is of interest to me until I have a large scope of information to go on. Even the stuff he was convicted of has nothing to do with raising the prices of drugs, and he was acquitted of any charges that were brought that could be misconstrued as "immoral". The only things he was actually convicted of are lieing to his hedge fund about the money they had invested. And even at that, there was no actual victim because even though he lied about it according to the legal determination the investors were left with a major net gain at the end of the day. I think people spend too much time focusing on people's outward personality they see from a few sound bites on the news and rather very little time actually researching things and forming opinions and views based on logical thought processes. It's the same beef I have with zealous religious people and their desire to shove their unjustified and unreasonable shit down my throat.
  11. Cocaine Bear approves....
  12. You mean JoJo? If it's anything like it, I'll have to give it a read. I always did like King's books anyways.
  13. It was, of course, a joke, maybe if I were rich.... I am the obsessive type so I could see myself collecting dildos if I had excess funds. lmao
  14. Oh is he actually from Italy? I hear they are still big on chivalry over there in alot of those "southern" European countries, so I'm not really surprised.
  15. Already tried girls bro. I dated 3 girls in high school, didn't enjoy it for multiple reasons. And also I can't really stand the sight of vaginas they disgust me and make me nervous. I totally understand why phallic and vaginal worship were among some of the first forms of religion, sometimes they are awe inspiring with their power and fear inducing.
  16. Yeah, I thought so.... is he like flirting with you or something? If so you have pretty good taste, just based on the looks. I can't say for sure, he might be a real dick personality wise.
  17. I both love and hate that guy. He's actually very smart, kind of a bad rap in some ways. Media portrayed him in a very dishonest way about the price raises he did of those drugs (it's a very common practice in pharmaceuticals and is nowhere near what they normally charge for similar niche medications). That said, he has some serious character flaws, he's a bit abrasive and lacks people skills. I'm subscribed to his youtube channel.
  18. Is he military? The color of the shirt looks like a Military beige undershirt. Also nice tattoos, and a handsome fella.
  20. That would probably be why I'm ordering one right now.... although technically I think the male equivalent is Satyr.
  21. I only bring the gayest. Top notch gay, in fact. No Homo. Just between bros.
  22. Yes, it was called "Niggas Revenge" (yes that is the actual title). I actually shared this horrific and hilarious B-rated melodrama of a porn on Tiny Chat a long time ago. It involved a group of "thug" styled black men fucking the shit out of "redneck" styled skin head like white dudes, and then pissing all over them. The dialogue was the part that really made it gold though. Also, there have been some others, most of the small studios that try really too hard to make their porn "quality". Another was a fetish video I saw a long time ago... of an Asian woman stuffing a live squid into her vajayjay. She looked like she was on the brink of ecstasy, didn't catch the name I was too busy crying from laughter and trying not to puke.
  23. If his definition of purity revolves around the purity of family blood lines it looks like he is doing a great job. If he just means Caucasians in general, well he should probably go back to the drawing board.
  25. Replace her with him and yes. Also, it was a successful endeavor.
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