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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Your dinners are way more interesting than mine. I wish I could overhear peepees turning into jayjay stories.
  2. It gives a whole new meaning to the term roll back.
  3. I really want to feel bad for him I do. It's so hard though. DX
  4. Yeah... sadly they had him ruin the battery he took out by spreading butter all over it afterward. I kind of agree with Nabloom on this one. He's a bit too trusting and desperate for acceptance from his brahs. A hard lesson learned, though those guys are clearly quite a bit older than him and should feel ashamed of what they did.
  5. It is supposedly pretty dark (according to the manga fan base). I personally love the dichotomy though, but then again I'm kind of nuts and sadistic sometimes.
  6. What are you talking about, Kidney is certified with best reputation and shit.
  7. uhhhhh....
  8. Are you Filipino? (I am shamelessly asking because I have a thing for asian dudes, forgive me lmao). Also I don't know many asians from this area.
  9. I think it has to do with a difference in views on sexuality between cultures. I've heard and based on what I have observed is that the Japanese tend to believe that sexuality is less cut and dry and more of a scale.
  10. Also, I might add I'm not sure how these "raider" people get away with this, considering their are apparently a shit ton of these type of videos on youtube. Litle confusing considering even saying a single racial slur or showing nipples will usually get you banned from twitch. I can't believe this stuff is alowed.
  11. Yeah, that is the part that I feel bad about (what I meant anyway). I can only imagine the dumb shit I would have done online at 10, thank god my young childhood was before widely available cable internet....
  12. Traps are ghey bra.
  13. Funnily enough, Togashi addressed this popular fan ship on twitter before (which is pretty unusual for an author to do). He simply asked why everyone was shipping Gon and Kilua and joked that they are gay for doing so. Me thinks something is amiss there.
  14. Kakeguri and Made in Abyss I really have not enjoyed anything else, and I've tried most of the other stuff. These two are really good though (so far), highly recommend.
  15. Oh my god... this is actually my first time hearing the dub of this............... What the fuck are those Whis and Beerus voices? Jesus fucking christ how awful.
  16. I still hold to my theory that killua is in love with him. Also, is Toonami still planning on airing all of HxH? They aren't going to can it part way like One Piece? This chapter should bring in one of my favorite characters if I'm not mistaken.
  17. Finally, we get some Froppy character development. She happens to be one of my favorites in the show other than Deku. Such a cute character.
  18. It's sad... I miss him. I have had a rather big lack of radical gun experts in my life since he left us.
  19. I wonder if this is how the pyramids were really constructed.
  20. I hope you're talking about oatmeal or something... how the fuck do you burn cereal? >___>
  21. Is it Depakote? Because that can have interactions with other stuff, especially if you're taking a heavy dose like that. Benzos are notorious for having high levels of drug interactions with a variety of things because of the mechanism they employ in the brain.
  22. I have heard synthetic weed is super awful for you and can have all types of weird side effects....
  23. Was it laced with something? Was this a prescription or street pill?
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