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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Maybe he finally got arrested for Driving Drunk?
  2. I would totally use this.... while singing Happy Birthday Mr. President. :D
  3. Yes! This is the mod Ark Survival Evolved is missing.
  4. The popularity of an anime does not make it great in the writing department. All I can say is you should reserve judgment until later on in this arc. Most of HxH is this way, there is a lot of background that is laid in a build up pattern before significant revelations and action occur (generally speaking). It's one of the reasons that alot of Shonen fans like it as compared to other Shonen animes because the background story is elaborated on in much larger detail. This is obviously not for everyone, and people that do not like long running animes in general probably won't enjoy this in general. Just my opinion.
  5. This is very accurate. It's to the point that I groan every time Goku is on screen in the current sub arc, because something incredibly stupid is going to come out of his mouth with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. On the bright side, Vegeta and Gohan are getting way more character development now, so this is a plus. Goku has almost become like a punchline though.... kind of sad. He's gone from innocent childlike altruism with some flaws, to childlike mischieve maker with a hint of psychopath that wants nothing more than to fight. This is definitely not the same type of Goku from DBZ (or at least not how he was originally portrayed). Maybe being brought back to life distorts one's personality a bit each time..... considering he's been resurrected 2 times at this point... could explain a few things. Like a spiritual version of brain damage. Would also explain the numerous changes to Krillin's personality as well (3 resurrections).
  6. This is correct, it's more like a digitally enhanced theme park.
  7. You will see Kurapika and Leorio again, several times (all I can say without giving out spoilers). Man you people are not very patient with stuff and make alot of wide assumptions on face value.
  8. You're joking surely.... also isn't this the beginning of this arc? SAO is a terrible example of this genre, it's almost universally panned as bad for a wide variety of reasons. If you want to see an excellent video game alternate world anime watch Overlord. Speaking of which Overlord would really be a good grab for Toonami (imo).
  9. Ah, looks like I was right. This is the arc with one of the best characters in the anime. Biscuit "Biscy" Krueger. She is a character to keep an eye on as she will be an important part of the boy's character and experiential development. Also, there is much more to her character than what meets the eye. Enjoy fellas.
  10. It's an anime with not alot of intensive coherent story. It is an action "mostly" thriller type anime. Medium amount of fanservice is present.
  11. Yes, and yes. I'd recommend to anyone. It's a classic imo. Dark elements action oriented anime. If you don't like action don't get it.
  12. Biotin supplements, there are some other vitamins that help with that too (don't remember off the top of my head which one). You can try Rogaine (or the generic alternative Minoxidil). It could potentially cause more hair loss though (but most people don't experience this from what I hear). The other thing is, losing weight (some evidence shows losing fat and/or regular aerobic exercise increases blood flow to the scalp staving off hair loss). And finally look into what kind of shampoo and/or conditioner you are using, you may also look at getting a short type of haircut as more weight or dirt on the hair can cause greater or faster loss.
  13. Technically a vibrator but relevant. Link wields the Master Sword. NSFW Heterosexual
  14. Can we just make it about exchanging emoticons with each other? I always love when threads devolve into that.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7zkhwssBQ0
  16. And I'm a dork, and also part retard. Forgive me.......
  17. WHAT YOU HAVE A YOUTUBE? Link this to me or pm, I will sub. I bet you get up to all kinds of hijinks. You should do a parody of Talk Sex With Sue, if you know what I'm referring to then hats of to you.
  18. fuggnificent[/member] I miss Chris so much already. I always loved him, I'm such a 90s kid.
  19. Holy shit you were right IceJJFish is baaaaaaaaad. Headache inducing. I've never heard someone be off tune in multiple registers at the same time before listening to that.
  20. Oh ok, if we are going for stuff that could probably be banned from being posted how about this:
  21. Wtf is a IceJJFish?
  22. Gyros please.
  23. He might, or he might not.
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