This is very accurate. It's to the point that I groan every time Goku is on screen in the current sub arc, because something incredibly stupid is going to come out of his mouth with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. On the bright side, Vegeta and Gohan are getting way more character development now, so this is a plus. Goku has almost become like a punchline though.... kind of sad. He's gone from innocent childlike altruism with some flaws, to childlike mischieve maker with a hint of psychopath that wants nothing more than to fight. This is definitely not the same type of Goku from DBZ (or at least not how he was originally portrayed). Maybe being brought back to life distorts one's personality a bit each time..... considering he's been resurrected 2 times at this point... could explain a few things. Like a spiritual version of brain damage. Would also explain the numerous changes to Krillin's personality as well (3 resurrections).