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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Yeah I had heard about that, but alot of the fans of the show (the die hard ones), don't consider the game canon (as far as I'm aware). Mainly because it was not involved by the author of the show.
  2. Stop... I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head.
  3. How the fuck is every single thread Fuggs posts or posts in devolving into her mistreating cats? .... like every single one. I missed whatever thread you guys are referring to btw.
  4. Well I actually meant the confectionary variety.... since Kim is morbidly obese to the point that he reportedly can barely walk on his own.
  5. If nothing else, as far as attractiveness. I'd definitely rate him in the top 5 most attractive presidents, which is saying alot since Presidents generally don't age well.
  6. I hear Kim consumes alot of them.
  7. Invest in cakes and Dennis Rodman.
  8. WTF is a "moral barometer"? I've never heard such a canned attempt at coining a buzzword in my life. Also, I love the look on Tyra's face when he starts talking about it... like "I'm highly uncomfortable who booked this guy?" Though I don't really like Tyra either for a whole set of other reasons. The aggressive memo he sent to his staff in an email about "harassing him" while in his makeup room is reason enough to hate him. And I wouldn't normally say that other than he goes out of his way to portray himself as a moral authority on American values. Memo from Harvey (verbatim including capslock sections). While he claims that people just "wouldn't leave him alone", he fails to realize that he is one of two executive producers, and it is his talk show. So, communication about things on the set to him is pretty much to be expected. The fact he fails to realize this just shows his character as a person.
  9. Do you work construction now? Not meant to offend, just genuinely curious.
  10. My gay alarm was going off, seems the gay is coming from here.
  11. Now we know what the real chemicals in the water turning the frogs gay are....
  12. Alright, I'll accept that then. 115 for someone like 5'10 or taller is in anorexia area BMI. Was genuinely a bit worried there, sorry.
  13. He's a pretty big "Viner" guy (and anime fan). He's not a kid either he's 26, and a voice actor. Should look him up he's hilarious.
  14. I heard about this game the other day.... I think it's a good step forward for equality.... now gays can have their own really shitty dating sim game.
  15. One of the greatest cartoon mysteries of all time I think. Has always bugged me. And the fact that they indirectly alluded to it being something a bit shocking so many times without ever showing what it actually was.
  16. I do find Boruto to be mildly entertaining but.... this is a pretty good representation of what goes through my mind when I think of these types of spinoff series.
  17. With no food... like ever, cause he eats it all and uses all foreign aid on nuclear missiles.
  18. 115 pounds? @__@ That... doesn't sound healthy, please tell me he's not very tall.
  19. Well I'm sure Kim would request lots of celebratory cakes, and afterward everyone that beats North Korea in an event gets a complimentary nuclear missile.
  20. It won't fit in just one picture frame though, I'd have to take like 4 different shots to get the whole thing.
  21. Couple more that I took. These were taken during playtime. Toby bringing back his favorite toy, Emporer Basilisk during fetch. You can see the funny nature of this as the snake is actually quite a bit longer than him. Having fully vanquished his nemesis, Toby decides to dispose of the body underneath our couch... This is pretty typical behavior for Daschunds. They were originally bred as small game hunting dogs, to chase burrowing animals and to also kill field vermin e.g. rabbits, possums, moles, ground squirrels, snakes, ect...
  22. I wasn't aware anyone requested one of those.... they do exist but I'm not posting them here.
  23. We have already purchased a harness trainer, we had a bit of trouble finding one that fit correctly. I hear it is a common problem with this type of dog, since their body shape is fairly unique when compared to most other small dogs.
  24. It's funny you should say that, Daschunds (weiner dogs) are often compaired as tiny versions of weimeraners, mainly because of their head features and elongated frame.
  25. Neither and please shoot me in the face.
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