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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. I'm confused how this thread went from appreciation of chicks with big tits to north vs south culture war status.
  2. It's 2017 and our town hall meetings are being taken up by proposals about lifting dry county status..... shoot me in the face please.
  3. Ok, this is just asking for trouble. I can't watch. It's cringe inducing to watch all this crap.
  4. I wish I could say the same. Not because I hate the culture, more the individual people and their focus on shoving their beliefs down my throat and constant attempts by local government to micro-manage everyone's business.
  5. Everyone here is not fat and lazy though, there are plenty of healthy people in the South. This is akin to the way EU people think all Americans are fat and lazy.
  6. You could have picked something a bit more fattening than gumbo.... gumbo (if done properly) is actually very lean and full of veggies most of the time.
  7. Bless your heart, you live in Alabama too.
  8. I believe we have the highest percentage of top overweight percapita citizenry sir! And don't you forget it! No but seriously, there are plenty of good things about the Southland, and plenty of bad things -- Just like anywhere else on Earth.
  9. I have never lived anywhere other than the south and had a college level vocabulary at age 13.
  10. Did she lean over you while taking your plaque off?
  11. That's one happy turtle.
  12. If you are not seeing a therapist you really should. But, it may take a few tries to find one that is actually good and educated. I had to switch therapists several times before I found my current one. He's got an actual degree in psychology. Many of these "therapists" don't actually have degrees in psychology, they have degrees in semi-related fields with a tacked on therapist certificate (that they probably didn't pay very close attention to judging by their behavior). I'm surprised you have a psychiatrist willing to treat you without therapy though, but I know different states have different standards for treatment. In the state of Alabama you can not see a psychiatrist regularly without seeing a therapist.
  13. This thread is strange, and I have no idea what you are on about....
  14. Wow you can use while working too? Do you just leave it on while sitting and turn on when needed? I've heard of some people doing that, but I know you are not supposed to run it constantly (at least that was what I was told). I may need to give it a second look.
  15. Well that doesn't seem very fair, its better to return the cats to a shelter with a reasonable prospect of them being adopted by a family that can take care of them than to have them stay with you when you are not fully capable of taking care of it. My friend found a feral cat that he just couldn't do anything with, in spite of trying for close to a year and had to ultimately give it to a shelter. He was pretty heart broken about it. The cat had all kinds of behavioral problems and was not safe for having his friends and family over near it, both for the cat and them. The cat left huge gashes in his sister's arm if I remember correctly and that was the final nail in the cofin.
  16. I'm a bit skeptical about it though, I'm not sure I could actually make more money at doing it than if I were to leave my disability (this is the main conundrum that many disabled people face when trying to return to work). I don't think I'm exactly ready yet (mentally speaking), as sad as that is. I have actually tried once already to return to the workforce but it failed miserably because I did not prove to be stable enough. I am likely going to try again with the program for disabled people to return to work after I finish my associates in CS next year. But, I do give you some credit here. I know alot of other people with bipolar disorder and OCD and a few with schizophrenia. They are much worse off than me, and couldn't even fathom going to school or working as long as I had while being diagnosed. So I do consider myself lucky even still that I have the opportunities that I do.
  17. If that's actually what happened then I don't think that's necessarily your fault. That is assuming the cats were being fed and cared for properly. I have unfortunately lost a cat years ago, he was very old though. I think they tend to get a bit confused sometimes when they are out and elderly.
  18. I met her years ago, though I admittedly have interacted with her alot, probably nowhere near as much as some of you. So I am a bit at a loss when it comes to some of these recurring conversations that are popping up everywhere. It's just confusing that's all. I probably don't want to be a part of this....
  19. I actually commend you for this, it is the primary reason I have not been able to work for a couple years now. I have been thinking of trying online tech support type jobs though that do not require being in public places... because that is the primary trigger for my anxiety and is not a good place to be in while having a significant mood swing. Going into work in a manic state can be very disastrous.... as I unfortunately discovered.
  20. Did her cat run away or something? I'm not sure that constitutes mistreatment, was there something else involved with it?
  21. Is it a large one? What brand or model is it?
  22. I might add that the tenz unit actually helped alot, I should really invest in one of my own now that I think of it.
  23. Well I meant this and/or the sex toy variety. I have actually used a Tenz unit before, borrowed one from a friend to see if it would help with some of the pain I experience in my joints (no I'm not that old it's related to my OCD, I have a constant nervous compulsion to pop joints which has led to cartilage degeneration). The sex toy variety I have not used, but I find it to be a curious contraption.
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