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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Oh yes Kawaii-Kun, definitely like this....
  2. I'm not lucky enough to die in an exciting manner such as that. Also, I'm not dumb enough to put microwaved plastic into my asshole.
  3. Best Pocky
  4. Never knew America's Funniest Home Videos had money shots, oh Bob Saget the things you have hidden from us.
  5. I can imagine some very awkward and painful emergency room visits involved with heated cum filled dildos....
  6. The little fucking pieces of shit have gotten super scummy with calling me like 3 times a day doing different scams. I have already tried blocking them multiple times, the bastards spoof numbers now... I looked it up online sometimes they can even make it look like you're calling yourself on the caller id. I don't answer the phone during the day from calls I don't know anymore, just let the answering machine get it. Still annoying as fuck though. About a month ago, I picked up one call I knew was obviously a spoofed number from one of the little shit heads and proceeded to answer as if they had reached an FBI field office. I kept the guy on the line for several minutes and then revealed this info, adding that the FBI was tracing his company's location and that we were going to add to the list of fraud investigations. The guy got nervous and then he started cussing me out over the phone like fucking crazy. They still call though.... unrelenting.
  7. I love devouring a meat special.
  8. Still better than the Indian tech support phone scammers I get harassed by every damn day.
  9. That'll be my last post on this, I had originally just wanted to give a bit of an opinion on the guy's perceived character and its accuracy. It's graduated to a debate on healthcare which is not really something I want to discuss at large right now. And I think I presented all the evidence about why I don't believe what Shkreli did was that bad or immoral in comparison to what so many others do and have been doing. So I'm satisfied, sorry if I offended anyone really didn't mean too, but I think that open and frank discussion about stuff like this is pretty good for informational purposes.
  10. This is true, however, the quality of what Americans currently consider as basic preventative care would probably decrease in some or many ways. Evidence of some of this is already seen in Medicare HMO programs and European style health care programs. This might include lack of access to things that would be otherwise life-saving because it is not considered as a cost-effective preventative care option (and there is no other alternative treatment). Ironically this is very relevant to our discussion here as people with rare diseases often are affected by this particular aspect of public option health care in foreign countries. Admittedly we simply do not know to what extent this would occur in an American system because it has not really been try on a national scale. This is a major benefit, also on a related note it eliminates alot of inconvenience to patients not having to fill out forms and wade through phone calls with insurance companies over coverage (I have been there it is not fun). However, the average amount of tax paid per citizen would almost certainly have to be increased substantially in order to actually pay for this benefit, or the country would go bankrupt instead. Source: Nonpartisan Urban Institute's analysis in relation to Bernie Sander's proposed single payer plan http://www.urban.org/research/publication/sanders-single-payer-health-care-plan-effect-national-health-expenditures-and-federal-and-private-spending/view/full_report Quote from source: Analysis by the Tax Policy Center indicates that Sanders’s revenue proposals, intended to finance all new health and non-health spending, would raise $15.3 trillion in revenue over 2017 to 2026. This amount is approximately $16.6 trillion less than the increased federal cost of his health care plan estimated here. The discrepancy suggests that to fully finance the Sanders approach, additional sources of revenue would have to be identified; that is, the proposed taxes are much too low to fully finance the plan. There are many other analyses from other publication saying similar things. Yes. It is worth mentioning that people would have to wait in a type of Queue to see a Dr. depending on medical personnel per capita in each major area. This has been seen in other countries implementation of similiar programs. I've actually had some conversations with some of my friends in Canada about this exact same thing. Though to what extent this would occur here is also unknown and untested. They would be spent just not in the private sector, this money would instead be used to pay administrative costs in a public healthcare system as we do now with Social Security Administration except on a much larger scale. This is really a matter of which you think would be better to deal with and pay, bureaucratic administration or insurance companies. There would most certainly still be these types of costs though in different areas related to government. Government workers don't just work for free. It's also worth noting that many analysis of such plans (and evidence from other countries systems suggest that medical practitioners such as Drs, Nurses, and specialists would have to earn significantly less. This, in turn, lowers the incentive for one to go to medical school. As much as I would like to believe most people going into medicine are mostly altruistic, I know otherwise having seen a large number of Drs that are just flat out bad and do not care about people beyond getting them out the door with minimal treatment and to their rescheduling counter. This seems like a rather generalized claim, I'm not sure how to respond to it specifically. Perhaps you could elaborate on it further. In short, I do agree that a single payer or public option type of plan is worth considering and potentially planning or investigating further, perhaps a higher degree of certainty in many of the aspects I mentioned above would lend itself to a single payer implementation. That said, it is spurious at best to declare that this is certainly a better option than the system we currently have regarding healthcare.
  11. That is one proposed plan, usually referred to as public option or single payer. It is financially viable under some estimates, but only with some rather unpleasant concessions. The most obvious of which is that it is not necessarily guaranteed to reduce costs to the public, at best it is guaranteed to cost the same amount we currently pay out through medicare for a fraction of the cost.
  12. Why? Look if anyone has a legit reason as to why what he did is actually wrong I'm willing to listen. If you just call me names then I don't really have much to go on in terms of reaponse... I guess I'm bad for caring about diseases that affect my community and thoroughly research related topics in my spare time? I didn't originally have a very good opinon of him either, and I really don't care for him that much now either. But, I don't agree that what he did was wrong based on what I learned by reading about it. It's funny cause I have been posting topics on ASMB about HIV and AIDS for several years, this is the first time I've been called a piece of shit for presenting evidence of a related topic. If you like we could discuss stuff about CRSPer technology instead, it's less inflammatory and I have followed it pretty closely.
  13. I mentioned this earlier, these were his only convictions and even then the people that he lied too made a huge profit on their investment.
  14. Well unfortunately investment is the mechanism through which drugs can be developed. Running labs, and paying Dr's and chemical engineers is extremely expensive. And yes he is making alit of money of his drugs that his companies developed. Why is that wrong? Why should he and those involved in the company not be rewarded for making life saving drugs that no one else would normally create? Look, I really wish we lived in a post scarcity society or something like that, it sucks that we have to pay for shit in order to get the help and essentials we need. But until we come to a society where things can be made without cost or minimal cost, how exactly do you propose we go about getting drugs like this made? I don't have viable and better solution, than a capitol invesment system. Do you have a solution? And by that I mean specifically one that will get these drugs developed, produced, distributed, and safety checked? If you do then I'm all for it, let's start a revolution. If not, then I think it's a bit easy stand back and throw stones at people you don't over things you don't lie because they suck, without offering solutions.
  15. https://www.turingpharma.com/press-releases/15/turing-reduces-cost-of-daraprimreg-pyrimethamine/ Yes, they do. This press statements is from Turing Pharma, Martin Shkreli's company. Turing is a relatively new and small pharmaceutical company btw, meaning they do not have large scale infastructure and access to produce drugs in the same manner as say Pfizer. They are also a company which specifically specializes in rare disease drugs and research into new treatments for rare diseases. In the press release it not only specifically states they are giving 50% discounts to hospitals and expanding trial and payment reduction programs for individuals and hospitals, but that the drug is avaolable under medicaid plans for as little as 1 dollar for a 100 pill bottle, which accounts for 2/3 of the patients on the drug. Keep in mind that only around 6 to 7 thousand peopLe are on this drug. The 750 dollar price tag is being payed by retail level insurance companies e.g. blue cross, humana, ect... Before the price was raised the drug was a major financial loss, again to a small company that has limited resources to make these rare diseas drugs in the first place. This is also nowhere near as egregious as what larger pharma companies have been doing for years to things like retrovirals, diabetes, and heart disease meds that millions and millions of people take. These types of companies wouldn't buy a patent like the drugs Turing purchased because they are not huge money makers.
  16. I was thinking she meant mechanic since he looks like a mechanic type (no offense to any mechanics). But then again he might be, never know.
  17. Holy shit that is something that happened to you? I'm so sorry. There are so many meathead cops out there, I really hate the bad overly oppressive ones they delegitimize what the police are actually intended to be doing and just inflame public sentiments. Ughhh On a related note, I've heard alot of big city police forces have started fitting body cams to all officers to help encourage better behavior and also to resolve situations that arise such as this without reasonable doubt of wrong doing. Things would be so much easier if people would just stop being so damn awful to eachother and have at least a little standard for human dignity.
  18. OH YUGI BOY!
  19. What the fuck are these nightmare pokemon pics???
  20. I have the power!!!! The white power.... >__>
  21. Awww damn, they really need like a cute Asian guy lottery or something. Knowing how weird Japanese tv is I bet they have one actually. Lmao
  22. I wasn't aware Chris Hansen was still doing those. And also I think live crime bust type shows are pretty awful for a number of reasons including that it sensationalized stuff that really shouldn't be. I didn't like Cops or any of its variants for that same reason. People just want a reason to gawk at shit. I have referred to it as Reality Rubbernecking. That said, no I don't think you should because those guys are disgusting pedos showing up to what they think are 12 year-olds houses.
  23. I wish it were an Asian dude. Ive never gotten my paws on one of them. Haha.
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