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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. I see you were a hell raiser from a young age.
  2. If @lupin_bebop cock was white, wouldn't fuggs love him though?
  3. Oh no my dear, dicks come in all shapes and sizes, contours and colors, veracity and experience. Dicks are only dicks when we are talking about disparaging Zeni.
  4. You could probably make a killing as a twitch streamer. I've seen porn stars on there and they tend to get a ton of attention (not implying that you're not also good at games just that it helps to already have an interested fanbase).
  5. I haven't slept in 3 days now, going on the 4th day. I hate having these insomnia problems. They've been much more frequent lately, and I think it is partly due to me losing so much weight over the last year. I may have to have my medication levels adjusted again, and it really fucking sucks. Even the increased exercise is only helping so much with actually being able to fall asleep. On the bright side I've gotten alot of software work completed, but when it starts going on 3 to 4 days I start losing focus frequently and the period of time it takes to problem solve is slowed down significantly.
  6. Good but a bit minimalist for my taste in Peni. If you were to go a second round perhaps some more texture, veins, coloration to the areas towards the end, and hair on the sack. But I have to say your line work is impressively smooth.
  7. And you need to take a seat right over there.
  8. Didn't you do that though? I mean you got it from someone else but it did work...
  9. Ewww gross.
  10. No, I sleep with no sound in the pitch dark, also nude or in silk only. It's pretty much like one of those gay fashion commercials.
  11. Well at least you tried, that's more than most, so you get kudos for that.
  12. What is the name of the company have you looked into reviews online?
  13. Well you have to work up to it and use proper preparation, at least lubrication. Unless you like pain sexually then you can forgo the lubrication and preparation. Some do, others need to be nudged into it slowly.
  14. Straight guys just don't know what they are missing.
  15. You could skip all that and just be a sociopath, they can sell people on just about anything usually because their whole personality tends to be fake. @PhilosipherStoned I'd recommend against it and this is coming from someone who is good at selling things. The main red flags are the traveling and work hours and uncertainty of income. Most decent sales jobs have a hybrid pay system, hourly in combination with commission or something of that nature.
  16. Do you wish she was fucking you in the ass? I can recommend some very nice strap-ons.
  17. You could move to Minnesota, they're having a blizzard right now.
  18. What kind of cake?
  19. Is Boo fucking you in the ass?
  20. Some are more beautiful than others though, I am a connoisseur of asses the subtleties are like those between a good couch and an expensive couch. Yes I window shop for asses like I do furniture.
  21. @garbagepailcat You have an objectively beautiful posterior.
  22. I dated an Asexual guy very briefly several years ago. One of the sweetest men I've ever met, still friends with him. Unfortunately I'm too horny to have a relationship with someone whose incapable of desiring my fuck stick.
  23. It's Thursday my dudes.
  24. Lane Staley was the better vocalist for sure. I'm not really a big fan of cobain's writing either so I could take or leave that aspect. Think him and Nirvana are grossly overrated in general tbh.
  25. Could be for superior fighting of other competition predators. There were a large number of giant alpha predators during that time. There is a whale I forget the name which was bigger than megalodon and carnivorous. They typically had two ways of fighting, ramming each other at high speed from below so as to damage the internal organs and force them up towards the surface disorienting. The second way was side to side grappling biting each other, at least from what I've read, I can think of some scenarios in which a long neck would definitely assist a Dino of reaching back and biting back if they were already caught by a larger predator.
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