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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. I know someone who's worked with DID patients before.
  2. Whatever happened to timeouts, groundings, spankings, and taking away kids toys? No need to do this bizarre cruel and potentially dangerous stuff.
  3. Yes, and not only is it at the very least psychological abuse (and possibly physical abuse depending on how long the child is left outside without food/water intentionally). It's also highly irresponsible, I hope there are not pedos in her vicinity. God forbid the kid get snatched while she's being a dumb cunt and not knowing proper punishment and parenting techniques. Reminds me of a story I saw the other day of a woman who punished her son by dehydrating him to death over the course of 5 days.
  4. And you.
  5. Welcome back to you too, I missed you.
  6. You got me, I only eat duck butt.
  7. When did you do those? They are beautiful.
  8. I think the Mericaness was more from the excessive nature of it than anything specifically there. Though Mericans do seem to be very partial to their potato with bacon on it, and the guns.
  9. Well, I do like black men, but he's spoken for by someone arguably more sassy than me.
  10. Not entirely sure myself, I'm just running with it.
  11. lmfao. That actually looks good, even the guns nicely arranged. What is wrong with me.
  12. Yes, I think I'll put some cinnamon and cream on top as well.
  13. Understandable, the feeling of wasting food is one of the worst.
  14. I hate when I make too much of something by accident, usually when I cook while hungry and then realize my eyes were bigger than my stomach.
  15. Why do so many people feel the need to share their love of "eating out" people's orifices? I will never understand the fascination personally. It seems gross, and the lingo used to describe it is the worst part.
  16. Beef Stew for breakfast? Or is this for later?
  17. I feel like today is going to be a good day for some reason. Not sure why.
  18. Well, the usual advice around here for anything that ails you is to just smoke more weed. So to fit in, I have to ask if you've tried that?
  19. I can handle it.
  20. 1. Traditional Narcissist 2. Malignant Narcissist 3. Covert Narcissist 4. Communal Narcissist There are some people here that fit number 3 and number 4 very well.
  21. Well we need more nice guys around here.
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