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Everything posted by ThisIdiot

  1. I've had this stuck in my head for the last couple days
  2. ThisIdiot


    sure....a tall skinny pasty white guy in a suit in the middle of the woods stalking kids ...I believe it
  3. let's see ....I don't really vote for Nader ...I just say that to try and piss people off so they'll stop pestering the shit out of me about Obama or trump or Mad Dog Hillary... I don't keep up with the times because it's always the same shit on a different day....and I keep hoping for a WW3
  4. goddammit misaka ....I liked both happy and bob ...now I can't...
  5. I practically never leave my room unless I have to ... though when I was younger I stayed up for about 4 or 5 days straight...when I say young I mean less then 10
  6. my birthday was last week...I was hoping to be dead in the far north by now..
  7. back when my brother and his gf lived with us we had an issue with the toilet handle so it wouldn't stop running the water out of the bowel and she would leave it up all the goddamn time ...she never washed her hands...and I always made sure to do the dishes after she did, because like most sensible adults, you don't just wave the plate under a running tap and put on the rack like it's clean ...you use SOAP...FUCKING SOAP...YOU GODDAMN HORRIBLE WOMAN... ...sorry I kinda lost myself there...
  8. I love me a good cheese pizza .... THE CHEESE PIZZA PEOPLE WILL RULE THIS WORLD!!!
  9. the reveal stream was today and out of boredom I watched ....I heard something about being able to find players easier and that blizzard is getting in on the bandwagon by selling it on whatever service their offering ....yeah I can't be bothered for details, it made me sleepy...
  10. ThisIdiot


    was born here...will likely die here ...would like to die up north in the cold...
  11. ThisIdiot


    I know...the damn humidity....I got seven windows open and 5 fans on right now ...it's only gonna get worse...THANKS GLOBAL WARMING!
  12. ThisIdiot


    yeah there's never an inbetween.... and around the corner is a series of tornadoes ....though we do have tons of booze here and there..
  13. WHAT IS THIS REASONING?? 1. that is a pitiful fucking excuse...EVEN FOR YOU...grow up and have some common fucking sense mocha 2. the simpsons is as much for kids as it is for adults 3. I don't know what the hell the Smipnoss is...but I only mentioned the Simpsons 4. Really mocha? " it has gay characters so I WIN!" pppffffff ...get unbent then get rebent little kid
  14. eehhh been there done that .....still need to recycle those....
  15. I HAVE...years ago ...I actually would like to get back into building models but...aside from a few select ones I can never find, I just don't have the time or money for anymore...
  16. I would but the general consensus for youtube comment sections already is pretty low ....and seriously ...dumbasses bitching why camera crews don't go running out into the middle of the Africa to stop lions from chewing on a baby elephant is something that I feel on a deep level needs to addressed with them...specifically with their parents involved because they apparently don't understand how nature works..
  17. you make it sound like the simpson's DIDN'T do that ...seriously mocha ...just close your eyes...lie back and ...think of England....you'll be better off in this world..
  18. aaww...bucket think's he's people
  19. so this is all just mocha over-reaching/reacting as usual
  20. seriously...picking on bleeding heart dumbasses in youtube comment sections only sustains the salt levels for so long..... maybe i'll take up drinking? ...eehhh maybe not...I can't really afford that...
  21. always a good start...I love stumbling out of my room and go head first into the bathroom door while trying to breathe and open my eyes...
  22. ..so you guys ...like....assimilated? or..something equally metaphorical?
  23. why the hell are they banned?
  24. Vlassic Jesus ...besides blood spattered, is the beagle alright?
  25. watching crap since I can't sleep ...you guys got anything worth sharing? also scientists at CERN find human sacrifice funny? THE FUCK GUYS?! YOU BUILT A MACHINE TO HOUSE A BLACK HOLE!
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