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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Yes. And I'm sure Godzilla would be able to have a three-course meal made out of Mothra.
  2. The one I used on the girl when she had me finger her? That was my left, the one you already have a pic of. I injured my right elbow while trying to stake. (I'm naturally right-handed.)
  3. Because we must make you pay for coming off as an illiterate fuckhead despite the fact you're not an illiterate fuckhead.
  4. In some areas, yes. I'll send you a pic of my right hand tomorrow so you can get a more accurate reading. And for the record, I do believe I'm analytical as well. I just like being silly. I mean I inherited my father's wit so...yeah. What inspired you to create this thread? Was it the thread I got injured trying to skate?
  5. Scammers gonna scam, yo.
  6. All but 1 and 3 confuse me.
  7. I wait until it's full and I flush it again. I'll leave after that, whether or not it goes down.
  8. That would be horrible if she did after she moved with her family to Utah.
  9. Mine would be the following, as shown below. And you, my good sir, would be known as the RickRoller. Because as either a hero or villain, you're never gonna give us up or let us down. (But make sure you cry for help every once in a while, okay?)
  10. 1. Because, well, reasons.
  11. Oh, I hate that. That's the worst, especially if it's one of your favorite episodes, too.
  12. I guess it wasn't meant to be. Oh, well. Again, I just hope and pray she's had a great life and has found happiness.
  13. She was. She was wonderful. She ended up moving away around Christmas. Her dad got a new job in Utah. I hope she's done well and had a good life so far.
  14. They're like David sunflower seeds, but they take big ones and put them in packaging. My favorite brand of sunflower seeds is actually Dakota Style, but I can't find them anywhere in my part of the country. I have to order them online.
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