The one I used on the girl when she had me finger her? That was my left, the one you already have a pic of. I injured my right elbow while trying to stake. (I'm naturally right-handed.)
In some areas, yes. I'll send you a pic of my right hand tomorrow so you can get a more accurate reading.
And for the record, I do believe I'm analytical as well. I just like being silly. I mean I inherited my father's wit so...yeah.
What inspired you to create this thread? Was it the thread I got injured trying to skate?
Mine would be the following, as shown below.
And you, my good sir, would be known as the RickRoller. Because as either a hero or villain, you're never gonna give us up or let us down. (But make sure you cry for help every once in a while, okay?)
She was. She was wonderful. She ended up moving away around Christmas. Her dad got a new job in Utah.
I hope she's done well and had a good life so far.
They're like David sunflower seeds, but they take big ones and put them in packaging.
My favorite brand of sunflower seeds is actually Dakota Style, but I can't find them anywhere in my part of the country. I have to order them online.