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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. I'm a little tipsy myself. Just had a few bottles of hard apple cider.
  2. I blame having aunts and uncles who grew up listening to hair metal in the '80s. You should, too. XD
  3. That's a dude.
  4. Ultimately, this.
  5. I'm just here for the comments. Thanks again.
  6. I like turtles. XD We are all verpetas. XD There is no 4. XD Some stupid IB meme about butts...or something. XD
  7. Agreed. However, this is a perfect representation of the term heathen.
  8. Why? Godzilla has laser lizard breath.
  9. There's nothing wrong with that.
  10. Okay. Not...neato.
  11. Well, we could hang out and drink while watching anime. We could even make nachos. That sounds like a fun night right there. Oh, and cuite undies.
  12. I don't know who either one of them are. Please elaborate.
  13. I'm glad you had a good time, too.
  14. How did you know? XD And cool. Okay. (Yes, that's the hand that was out of commission during the whole skateboarding incident.)
  15. I think it's downright hilarious.
  16. And my arms are hairy.
  17. Here is right hand pic, as promised. (Taken while shopping for stuff.)
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