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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Holy crap, you're Musket! No more calling you Jizz for me. I actually know who you are now.
  2. On some days, I don't want to get out of bed either. My reasons are different from yours though.
  3. But there is someone I want to kiss under the mistletoe.
  4. I love this board.
  5. You're welcome. Enjoy it. We'll talk later when we both have time. Until then, sweet dreams, girl. *insert anatomically corrct heart emoji*
  6. Thank you. Now please go to bed, darling. You need your rest.
  7. Okay. Go to sleep, dear girl. You need your rest.
  8. I'm looking for some clothes to wear today. I have to go up to my mother's house to help her do some things my dad used to do.
  9. Well, I guess you're gonna have to slap me then.
  10. Well, all I know is you're a fantastic person with a kind heart.
  11. I blame the cheese for not catching that.
  12. Of course. Plus, it would be rather awkward to explain to any potential date.
  13. I'd still want to meet you regardless. You're the bee's knees! (How is that saying a synonymous phrase for saying someone or something is cool?)
  14. Thanks, though I like to think I'm rather boring. You know, since I live the quiet life and all.
  15. Of course. *insert anatomically correct heart emoji*
  16. Enjoy every moment of it. Happiness can be fleeting, you know.
  17. Pooplez? lol Nice!
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