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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Mmmmk.
  2. GOD MOTHERFUCKING DAMMIT Buddyroe360[/member]
  3. Short answer: Yes. Long answer: It doesn't affect their money in the way you think it does, directly. Youtubers get money from their AdSense accounts, via Google. Part of that money goes back to advertisers, so they can get more ads up, part of it goes to Google, for hosting fees. The amount they get is dependent on the number of clicks that ad gets. Problem is that "clicks" on ads usually aren't intentional. Not only that, it's hard to count what is a "watched" or "viewed" ad on YouTube. Adblockers still affect these numbers, because ads don't make it to the ones that click or view them.
  4. Cool. I'm too far for any of that. Have fun.
  5. You've already got those. You need more of one.
  6. When I was at my parent's place, yes. It was actually tax deductible when we did. In my place now, no, because they don't have a recycling service.
  7. It has been decided: If I get a Halloween party, I'm fucking playing this goddamn song.
  9. Yep. Working fine. Pay your Netflix account bill or complain at your ISP. I don't care which
  10. Also: DACS (Dallas Animal Control Services) response time: just short of a pizza delivery.
  11. I don't need a day off for it. I just do it. Also, delicious right?
  12. He was shaken, but in good spirits when he left.
  13. Dude....I live in the 4th most populous city in the United States.
  14. Gaming, Internet, streaming, eating bacon and Mac and cheese, pooping.
  15. Boxers and that's about it, most of the time. Nothing, if I'm not doing anything that day.
  16. Funny? Why? Because no one is doing the same for you? Especially of your own shitskin color?
  17. I don't have kids, so I don't get tax breaks.
  18. *shrug* I really don't care anymore. Life has taught me not to. Whatever happens, happens.
  19. You feel that? That feeling right there? That feeling like you can't get shit done? That feeling that "Fuck, I don't have the money," or, in your case "Fuck, I'm screwed"? That's what it's like to have your balls drop and start becoming an actual man, bitch. Your faux alpha-male bullshit is exactly that: bullshit. A REAL man knows how to overcome this situation. I really do hope you get kicked the fuck out. It's past time for you to get off your momma's teat and start doing your own shit. Too bad I also don't believe you, either. Either way. I hope things go badly for you, motherfucker.
  20. I'm doing that with some of my games, as well. I'm finally getting around to finishing Uncharted 3. I'm also going back and playing all the PS3 games I didn't finish.
  21. You could make your own pizzas for cheaper. Fuck, you can even get pre-made pizza dough/crusts.
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