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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. What's the difference between hard and soft? It's all about the "ware".
  2. I mean......they went to Florida. Not a single alligator, meth baggie, Cuban cigar, or kilo of coke? Not one souvenir?
  3. Projecting much? I don't really hate anyone. There are maybe....3 people on this planet I truly hate, and they know EXACTLY who they are. Everyone else, I just tolerate, until they give me a reason to think they're cool.
  4. Mostly because of the drama that goes on in there. I stay away because it's clique-y as FUCK. If I wanted high school mentality, I'd just stay in high school.
  5. [youtube autoplay=1]
  6. You're both too old for him.
  7. This contest is rigged, so no.
  8. Nice. Lucky.
  9. Endorphin and adrenaline release affect people differently. Depending upon your original mood, one or the other are released more.
  10. .....Got your Mascot here
  11. I'm typing English, motherfucker. Can't you read it?!?
  12. Yeah....lawfulness doesn't stop a lot of people from doing a lot of things. Even if legal, I wouldn't partake, because I have a job that doesn't drug test us. I don't want to give them a reason to, either.
  13. Zeni, lick my clit, you tiny-dicked cuntnozzle.
  14. .........................Why the fuck would you do this? Things were actually amiable here. I was about to start posting regularly and you just HAD to go and fuck it up, didn't you?
  15. .............Yeah.....don't have to tell me twice. I hate people in general, so......I'm not going to be in a place where a lot of them gather. Especially when they are all in close proximity. I like a person, but people, I don't.
  16. ........Nice. Too bad in my state it's illegal still.
  17. yeah I suppose...but I'm currently unable to do it now...I'll do it Saturday...and I'll ask rogue
  18. sorry using LB's account ATM...but I had set up the account and had the password saved on my iPhone so it would auto fill and log me in...then one day it just stopped working...saying that's the password was incorrect...so i figured "ok I'll do it manually" but it still says it's wrong...and I tried the same password on my laptop and it works just fine...so for some reason it just doesn't accept the password via mobile...I tried removing cookies on my phone and I'm still having difficulty....
  19. Pffffffft. That's it? Negro, pleeeeeeeeeease. It was 86 before I woke up yesterday.
  20. ..............None of this makes sense.
  21. I'm not. I hate both sides.
  22. Go ahead and clog that bitch and see what happens. I hope you get dysentery.
  23. I'll take mozzarella sticks. Give them to me. I love mozzarella sticks.
  24. Short answer: Yes. Long answer: You're a grown ass man wondering if you should get a sandwich because you're hungry. What the fuck is wrong with you? YES. Get your damn sandwich. Nobody can stop you, man. If they do try to, fuck them. If there's not a Walmart near you, then you're screwed, and I do feel bad for you then. Otherwise, get the damn sandwich. I sure as Hell would. Then again, I'm me. If I'm craving bacon, you can bet your ass I'm getting that shit. As long as my bill are paid, if I have some extra cash to spend on me, I'm fucking doing that shit.
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